My boys turned 2, 4 & 29 this week! :) Dec. 6-12 is an insane week for us every year, but oh so fun! The best part is we get to eat cake and ice cream pretty much every day & night for a whole week and we don't have to feel guilty!
My amazing hubby's birthday is today! I love you, Ross and am the luckiest girl in the world to be married to you and get to celebrate your 29 blessed years so far on this earth!
I was looking back through my blog and found this one when Aiden and Eli were 2 and 3 mo. old.... I figured I'd up date commemorating their birthdays! We'll see how many remain the same!
Top 10 fun facts about Aiden (2 yrs old, now 4!):
2. he truly loves people (I have yet to see him scared of anyone or not like them)- STILL!
3. he talks with a British accent sometimes (and I didn't coax him!) UPDATE: no more british accent, sad, but he is picking up some Spanish now!
4. he never stops (talking, moving, you name it) UPDATE: add Climbing to that.
5. he loves the Bible (especially page 368) UPDATE: he loves ALL books
6. he loves to sing (and hear ME sing!)- STILL!
7. his favorite hobbies lately are playing with cars, riding his bike, and coloring. UPDATE: Painting & writing letters has trumped coloring.
8. he loves being outside (and swimming in the summer) UPDATE: Playing in SNOW!
9. he eats his veggies without complaining (unlike his father!) UPDATE: He still prefers veggies over meat, but it's harder to get him to eat it these days, he's more into bread & dessert.
10. when he will be still enough to give me a hug, it's the best!- STILL!
10 fun things about Eli (3 months old/ now 2!):
1. he came early so I didn't have to gain as much weight this pregnancy. UPDATE: he has more than caught up from being a premie, in weight, development, etc!
2. he is a chunky monkey (15 lbs already, 97th percentile!) - STILL! (weighs pretty much the same as Aiden now!) Eli is my meat eater too... prefers meat over anything else.
3. he smiles every time Aiden gets in his face- STILL! (and copies everything he does too!)
4. he has an amazing ability to projectile poop UPDATE: Thankfully we are past that stage, but he sure does love talking about poopie and bum bums now!
5. he sleeps a lot (great on long car rides) UPDATE: not so great on long car rides anymore, but does still sleep great (with the exception of this afternoon and him crying instead of napping)
6. he has blue eyes- STILL- and kept that blonde hair!!!
7. he has started to laugh UPDATE: his laugh is so infectious!
8. he is totally different than Aiden (looks and personality)- STILL!
9. he looks just like his daddy-STILL!
10. he snuggles!- STILL!!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday to my birthday boys this week! I love you all!