Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Good Gifts

Happy Birthday to all the Middleton Boys this week! December is my favorite month of the year, all my favorite people were born then... Eli, Aiden, Ross and Jesus! :)

I have come to realize that I enjoy giving my boys gifts, more than I enjoy receiving them myself. With one exception... Aiden, for his 3rd birthday today, decided to give us the gift of pooping in the Potty! We have been waiting since July for this! 

Anywho, there is a verse that I was reminded of this week. Matt. 7:11 If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!

Having kids now, I love seeing new sides to God that I hadn't before. I can totally understand how it brings delight to him to bless us and give us life giving things. I love how he shows us through practical examples, like children. 

So Happy Birthday to all the boys in my life this week. I am blessed. Here are some pictures of the good gifts my Father has given me!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Thanksgiving... Gobble Gobble

There is nothing that can change your attitude and perspective quicker than being thankful. Col. 4:2 says "Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful." We are called to be devoted to it! I think the fact that it is worded like that in the Bible says a lot.

It's hard to choose thankfulness in the midst of a tough situation, I can attest to that. But God calls us to live to a higher standard and to devote ourselves to that very thing. I think that is significant. I don't know about you but I can ALWAYS find something to be thankful for. Whether it be for the air I breath or the roof over my head, or the amazing people God has placed in my life. I must devote myself to thankfulness. 

It's so easy to not stop and reflect on what we are thankful for every day, just getting caught up in the busyness of life and choosing to complain rather than give thanks. I am purposefully trying to teach my almost 3 yr. old to choose thankfulness rather than complain, and I'm finding myself convicted about that very thing. 

So I challenge you in the days leading up to Thanksgiving Day to choose thankfulness over complaining. If you find yourself saying something negative or whine-ish than Stop, Think, and Find something to say thanks for. It will immediately affect your attitude and perspective of the situation. Test it. :)

What are the top 5 things you are Thankful for?

Thursday, November 06, 2008

One Month from Today!

Hard to believe one month from today my little baby will turn 1 and four days later my little boy will turn 3! OH MY GOODNESS! Time is FLYING by! 

I just had to say that because it just hit me. WOW!

They make me smile. :)

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Even More Reason.....

to vote and to be patrons of these businesses....

Go Vote and then you get these free!

- Coffee from Starbucks!
- Chick-fil-a Chicken Sandwich, at participating Chick-fil-a's
- Shane's Rib Shack Combo Meal
- Krispy Kreme Donut
- Cake Shop cupcake
- Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream Shop

Company's like these just make being an active citizen of this country even more enjoyable. Thank you for motivating me even more to get involved!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

I Use This Everywhere

Hence the name "Clorox Everywhere Hard Surface Daily Sanitizing Spray". Quite the name, and quite the product! 

I Love this stuff, especially with having kids, but it's good for anyone! Spray it on any hard surface (I admit i've used it on cloth surfaces too, and everything turned out ok), and you're good to go. It's great for kids, just spray down their toys and let it dry or wipe it off, either way and it's sanitized for the next use! I also used it on the high chair and booster seat all the time. It's safe around kids too. 

There's my product I like for the month. :)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

What's better than Sacrifice?

I recently decided to get a Holiday job... pick up a few hours at a local store to keep on top of things over the Holiday's... I feel like a high schooler all over again. :)

So the topic of Sacrifice has been on my mind. We talk about this topic a LOT in our campus ministry... in order to do anything significant in this world it means sacrifice usually has to happen somewhere. 

As I was reading today, In Prov. 21:3 it says "To do what is right and just is MORE acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice." This is so good. So many times we choose to do something that is convenient at the time, or that feels good at the time, over doing the right or just thing... which usually brings us to a point of needing to sacrifice at a later time to make up for it (ex. buying something on a credit card). But if we just chose from the start to do what is Right and Just, that is more pleasing to God... and usually a sacrifice isn't necessary, you can enjoy the fruits of the good decision.

Just wanted to leave you with that thought for the day. So I'm not asking today "what do you need to sacrifice" but I am asking "what is something you can choose to do today that is right and just, for the Glory of God?"

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Follow up to Halloween Question

Great response from everyone! Thanks!

I personally grew up "celebrating" Halloween... as in dressing up and trick or treating, carving pumpkins, etc. I have some great memories of that! (Ross is convinced he never carved a pumpkin until last year, I find that hard to believe)

I'm not going to pretend to be an expert in the area, but in researching it looks like Halloween started as a time to worship the dead, ghosts and evil spirits so they won't get mad. People would sacrifice animals & more, and try to appease them. Then when the the traditions moved to America it took on a new meaning, yet still having the same superstitions of dressing so evil spirits don't recognize them, and leaving food/sweets out by their door to appease the ghosts/evil spirits. Slowly turning into a fun time for kids to run around disguised to get treats and such.

I think it is wise to know why we do what we do. I think there are spiritual implications to everything we do. I don't want to be ignorant to the original intent of why we celebrate the things we do. I also believe God can redeem anything. So I think with me and my family I want to be wise and know why we do what we do, and make sure we have purpose to what we do.

I have no problem with dressing up, and getting/giving candy from neighbors, and carving pumpkins... I just want to make sure my kids know why, and that we set ourselves apart from worldly traditions. We aren't doing it to appease evil spirits, or hide from them. I see this as a chance to be creative and silly and make sure we are pleasing God, not trying to appease the devil. As long as your conscience is clear before God and you do everything to honor Him, we can bring God's redemption to the holiday and turn what was meant for evil into good.

Practically I think this can be done by honoring God with how we dress, but serving/blessing others and by praying to God, and do all things to bring Him pleasure, not praying to spirits or the dead or being concerned with pleasing them. I think this also means not glorifying death, witchcraft, or fear (in costumes/haunted houses/ etc). Let's not be ignorant, and avoid truth, but be knowledgeable and bring redemption to these areas!

Those are just some of my thoughts...

Friday, October 03, 2008

Halloween: Spooky or Cooky?

Growing up in a church, I have heard several different opinions about Halloween. I would like to know your thoughts!

Do you think Halloween is a holiday Christian's shouldn't be involved with?
If Christian's do get involved what is ok, what is not?

Do you celebrate Halloween? Party? Costume? Trick or Treat? Animal Sacrifices? :)

What have you been taught about Halloween? What would you teach your kids about it?

I've been taught several different things, from we can redeem the holiday and just have a costume party/ reason for fellowship... to don't even associate with it since it began as a pagan holiday of worshiping the Devil. Of course it's near impossible in America to avoid anything Halloween because it is one of the highest selling holiday's, candy, costumes, party supplies...etc.

I want to hear your opinions, then I'll share mine!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

My Go To Book

Besides the Bible... I have a few books that I frequent. When I first found out I was pregnant with my oldest I didn't even know where to begin to look for baby help. I was recommended many books, but the 2 most helpful were Baby Wise and Secrets of the Baby Whisperer, thanks Hope

So my product today that I am promoting is Baby Wise. They have a whole line of books that are written for their specific developmental stages. I reference these books more than any other, and so far I have found them to be the most helpful.  

I have heard many differing opinions about these books through the years, from it being to strict and unrealistic, harsh or things like that... all I gotta say is you gotta find what works for your baby. Every baby is different. I can speak from experience with that. But I still believe there are basics and great principles and tips you can pull from Baby Wise. That is also one of the reasons I liked reading the Secrets book in addition, because it brought some balance. 

Unfortunately kids don't come in specific manuals, or instructions (that would be awesome though).  So when all else fails I go to the book and implement what I read. More often than not, within a few days I find that it works... it takes patience and a strong will, but it can happen! If you are in the baby rearing stage, don't get discouraged! Stages come and go. My biggest encouragement: Ps. 30:5 "weeping may last in the night, but joy comes in the morning."

There will be break through, you will get a full night of sleep again, they will figure out how to eat well, you will be able to truly enjoy your children, I promise (I am speaking to myself here too, so don't think for a second I have it all together, haha)!! 

Friday, September 19, 2008

Sticks and Stones...

I'm sure you all grew up hearing the phrase "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt them." 

I have come to the conclusion that the above phrase is far from the truth. Words have power to them, and we must learn how to tame our tongues.

As it says in Proverbs  The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.

I can't even begin to explain how many people, including myself, I have had to work with in ministry and friendship relationships where one or more ruthless words were spoken over them, and it caused a drastic change in who they were as a person, and how they view reality. 

I don't want to teach my kids that saying. We need to realize how much power is behind the words we speak... and are spoken to us. If something was said to you that effected who you are as a person, how you see reality now, you need to address it and not just say that old saying  "I'm rubberYou're glue. What you say bounces off me and sticks to YOU." Because in reality, words to stick, they stick and begin to build up until they come flooding out one day. 

Let's be a people who speak life over people, not death. Let's be a people who deal with what has/ will be spoken to us, repent for believing lies, forgive people, and not walk through day to day life believing what ignorant people say, but believing what our Creator, God says about us. 

Friday, September 12, 2008

Bedtime Battle Breakthroughs!

The boys have been sharing a room for a couple month now and it's been a battle to get them to settle down each naptime and nighttime to sleep. But here and there I get break through. They only take 1 afternoon nap at the same time now, so I have Eli in a pack n play in the guest room for that one, other than that it's official that they are roommates now. 

It took a while for us to figure out the most effective way to get them to bed, and I think we finally did! We put Eli in there first, around 7pm, and give him time to settle down and fall asleep. He's usually out by 7:30, so that is the time we start getting Aiden ready. We read to him in the guest room and pray in there, and started "whisper time" after reading. This gets him in the quiet mode to then go in his room and quietly lay down for bed. It took a few weeks of being consistent with discipline to get him not to wake Eli up to play, but I think it's finally sticking! There were a few weeks there where they would keep each other up until like 9 or 9:30, but now it's usually quiet in there by 8:30 if Eli happens to wake up. Finally!

Aiden did the cutest thing one night.  They were quiet for a while so I thought they had gone to sleep, then I heard Aiden jumping in his bed. I went in and he laid down real fast, then I went over to Eli's crib to try to get him back to sleep and he was holding  a monkey. 

Aiden had obviously given him the stuffed animal... the cute thing is that Aiden has slept with a stuffed animal monkey since he was about 10 months old and he went to the toy bin and got this one out for Eli and he told me "Eli needs a monkey too." 

I love it. I think it's gonna be worth these tough few months to help break down the selfishness that arises when sharing a room, ultimately for a life time of brothers who love each other and enjoy each other. 

If you haven't seen a picture of their room yet, you can see it here if you click through this album.  (It's a Knights and Castle theme with a quote from the awesome book Wild At Heart)

Saturday, September 06, 2008

I Can't Get Enough

Many of you share my love for Chick-fil-a, or atleast know how much my hubby and I love that place. I just can't find anything to complain about with that company (besides too many calories in the milkshake), but worth the flavor!

Anywho... This past Monday (Labor Day) I don't know if you heard, but they had free Chicken Strip Day if you wear a College Logo'd T-Shirt! All you had to do was walk up to the counter or go through the drive thru and if you had a college shirt on they would just hand you a box of their new, bigger 3 pack of Chicken Strips! So we decided to not only go for lunch that day, but we made a trip for Dinner too! haha. 

Not only was that an awesome treat and blessing, but I totally enjoyed my experience there. The Chick-fil-a nearest my house always has a little treat for Babies and Toddlers for free... a little tub of Cheerio's! So that kept my little one happy the whole time. My big kid loves their play area the most. And here's the best part to me- they have little single use Purell hand wipes available for the high chairs and near the play area- what could be better?

Seriously, I have yet to find a fast food chain like this one. Sorry to rub it in for my international friends reading this (or those outside the Southern US for that matter). 

Keep doing what you're doing Chick-fil-a, you got a fan!

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Overtired... Fact or Fiction?

The concept of a baby or kid being overtired was something my husband and I still don't get. But let me put those rumors to rest... Overtired is NOT a myth... it is real- oh so real!

So what does Overtired look like?

A screaming kid. A whiny kid. A kid who Can't fall asleep.

What? You may be asking, how does that work... they are too tired, so they can't fall asleep?

Yes. We found out about this concept pretty quickly when our oldest kid was newborn and it still holds true to today, over 2yrs and 9 mo. later.

I think it is similar to the adult version of getting a second wind. When you feel that slump and want to fall asleep so bad, but then miss that window of opportunity and when it's time to finally sleep you're wide awake, but grumpy (sometimes). haha.

So how can you fix this overtired problem?

Put them to naps or bed earlier. Right now we have our youngest going to bed at 7pm, and the oldest around 7:45. A lot of people think that is too early, but not for my kids! If they go to bed much later than that, somehow they take longer to fall asleep and/or they end up waking up earlier the next morning. It seems so backwards.

So what is my point? I am just trying to give some motherhood advice. Put those kids to bed! I have a new saying for my 2 yr old... when he whines, I tell him: "when you whine to me it tells me you are tired, so you need to go lay in bed until you are happy." For my little one... it surprises me still how much sleep they really do need.

Sometimes I think this concept is real for me too...

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Suggestions Please!

I got an iTunes gift card for my birthday over a month ago from some great friends and just can't figure out what is worth using it for. I have gotten so out of the loop music wise since I have a toddler now and we mainly listen to VeggieTales and Bible songs on CD.

What songs are on your top 10 right now?  What is a must download? I like all types of music... except twangy country. :)

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Words of Wisdom

Now that I am getting up there in age (ha!), I thought I would share some truths that have influenced my life in powerful ways. As always, I invite and welcome feedback!

I first heard this from my former college campus pastor, Gabe. When it hit me right between the eyes and sunk into my heart, the way I thought about things, and reacted to things, and handled things changed forever. It is the concept of being Character Driven versus Emotion Driven. A concept that has been long lost in this generation. Here is what I mean:

Character Driven people: 
Do right, feel good
Are Commitment driven
Make Principle based decisions
Actions control Attitude
Believe then See
Create Momentum
Asks, what are my responsibilities?

Emotion Driven people:
Feel good, then do right
Are convenience driven
Make popular based decisions
Attitude controls actions
Have to See to Believe
Wait for Momentum
Asks, what are my rights

Which category do you fall under? Which do you wish you had more of? 

Saturday, August 16, 2008

What Are Your Thoughts?

My hubby had a great post today, he does Saturday Smackdowns and usually throws somebody/something under the bus in a search for truth and justice... here is his latest on Social Justice Issues, such as Abortion... read here and tell me your thoughts!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Mountain Top Moments

It's been a while, I was doing great blogging, but life caught up with me and I've been real busy lately... I hope to make this blog more of a priority as my schedule evens out soon. Anywho... Just got back from being guests at a youth retreat where my hubby got to speak and I got to help lead small groups. It got me thinking about those Mountain Top experiences we get in our lives.

So many times we go on a retreat, or to a conference, or just have an amazing quiet time. And the experience with God may get you pumped up for a few days, or weeks even... but how can we become more consistent? How can we "keep the candle burning" as Wilson Philips sings? (yes I did just reference Wilson Philips!)

I have a few thoughts.

Meet God on the Mountain Top, every day! Sure you "met" Him during that experience at a conference, etc... but we need to continue to go meet with him. SPEND TIME WITH GOD CONSISTENTLY! (I am preaching to myself here too). Yeah it's hard work. Mountains are steep, hard to walk and take time and energy. But it's always worth it, isn't it? I'm using it as an analogy here if you didn't get it. Think of every day taking the time to go up on that "mountian" with God. Seek him in your room, or wherever you do it... and know going into it that it's not always going to come easy, so pace yourself (meaning, add it into your daily schedule).

Get Accountable. I don't know about you, but if I don't have someone asking me the tough questions, or checking my blind spots... it's not gonna happen. We all need a wing-man (or wing-woman). We need someone with an outside perspective that can show you your weakness, and can encourage you to overcome it. If your weakness is consistent time with God... make them hold you to it, and vice versa. Make a commitment to yourself and/or with another person to not turn the TV on or Computer on until you have spent your time with God.

Push Through. You may not feel that tingly sensation EVERY time you sit down and read the Word or pray or worship God. But don't give up! Matthew 11:12 From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful men lay hold of it. That means we have to fight for this relationship with God. We are not always going to feel like it, we are not always going to want to put in the effort to make it to the top of that mountain. But we have to meet with Him if we want Him to meet with us. We have to be forceful and approach His throne with confidence. Just like you have to fight to keep up your friendships, you gotta fight for this one even more. 

When was your last Mountain Top Experience? Any advice to keep the candle burning? 

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Favorite Sporting Event?

What is your favorite sporting events to watch?

I would have to say hands down, the most under-rated, most exciting and most unique is the X games. I LOVE the X games! My favorite would have to definitely be the Winter X Games, but summer X Games is pretty fun too. (It's on right now if you haven't noticed)

One thing I look forward to as my boys get older, is their love for the X Games growing.... One of my goals is to take them to the Winter X Games one day when they are older. I would LOVE if they were actually in the events themselves, but I'll be happy watching with them from the side lines too. :) I have already noticed with Aiden when I flip through the channels on TV if an event from the X games is on, he immediately says "STOP!" Love it!

What's your favorite? College football? Olympics? Gymnastics? Ice Skating? Cheerleading Competitions? Golf? I do appreciate all of those, but none compare with X Games for me. :)

Friday, August 01, 2008

Summertime Memories

What were some of your favorite Summer memories growing up?

Here are a list of a few that came to my head. I like getting fresh ideas for not only myself, but so we can start some traditions with the boys.

- Camping & Tubing down rivers
- Drive In Movies (my brother and I would lay in sleeping bags on top of my parents mini-van) so fun!
- Slumber parties, ALL the time.
- Summer vacations... at least one significant trip a summer (NY, DC, Grand Canyon, Vegas, Smokey Mountains, ATL, Keys, Bahamas, to name a few)
- BBQs all the time
- Summer Camps (Volleyball, Art, Youth Group, etc)
- Busch Gardens & Adventure Island (we lived near it)

Monday, July 28, 2008

Elmo's Potty Video = Hilarious!

I found this video, and used it to inspire my kid to actually go #2 in the potty. He has got the #1 down pat, but he has this thing about hiding under tables, beds or piano benches to go #2. But alas, today he finally did it, and actually initiated it! 

So you gotta see this music video- it will surely make you laugh! Welcome to my world!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

My Story. part 1

This is my story and I'm sticking to it. 

I've been wanting to really put into words what exactly God has done in me through the years. From when he first grabbed a hold of my heart and how it has brought me to where I am today. This will probably turn into a few different posts because I don't know if I can sum it up quickly- there is just too much. I hope you can find some common ground with me in this journey of new beginnings in me.

I'll begin in high school, where I feel like I "met" God for the first time. Don't get me wrong. I grew up in church, very involved in pretty much every aspect church offers, and knew "of" God; but that is way different than knowing God. I was one of those kids that had "frequent alter miles", whenever there was an alter call to "accept Jesus" I was there. But I never felt different. It never sunk in to my heart to actually consider it an encounter with the one true living God. I know this now because I have had that experience. I have had a powerful encounter, and now I will never be the same. I don't think you have met God unless it brings a change in your life. Here's the kicker, it's not about just having an encounter with God either. It's not just about meeting him. It's about what you do once you meet him. Do you get to Know him, do you as a person change? Or do you shake his hand and walk away with the attitude of "I'll just see ya later, when I might need you."? 

A few years ago I found one of my diaries from when I was in 8th grade. I read one of the entries. It said something along the lines of there's gotta be more than this. I feel like I'm missing something. I feel like when I read the Bible like "I know I should" it just doesn't make sense. I want to understand what I am reading. I want to know what God is all about. I just don't know where to start. I was in a youth group then, and at this point we had some great youth leaders. In fact I sought out the wife of our youth director back then and asked her how I can get deeper with God. Then they had to move away. And the pursuit of God ended for me (for a while). That was also the summer I was heading into high school- and oh the distractions began. 

I think I funneled my pursuit of God into my pursuit of curiosity, boys and popularity. It all began when I got my braces off (up to that point, I was queen of the dorks, haha). You may laugh at this, but literally that day I got my first kiss. I was a sophomore. And a popular junior kissed me . That was about when I figured out how to mute my conscience. I still had that voice inside me saying "woah, I don't think you can handle this... back off" but the more I ignored that voice, the more I stopped feeling guilty. I went quickly from being the little girl with crushes and swooning with my girlfriends about the cute boy, to manipulating and finding a way to actually get the attention I wanted. 

I can see my hunger for attention and my manipulation started when I was way younger too... just read this story. Ha! Anywho. Looking back now, I see I was sad, lame and pathetic. I began to care more about what people thought of me, caring about my popularity and attention from guys, than being known for something honorable and with integrity. It boils down to the fact that I wanted to be known. I was subconsciously filling this need to be known with friends and guys, while all along the only thing that could satisfy that was being Known by God, the one who knitted me in my mother's womb- cells, bones, and personality. 

Stay tuned for part 2, where I share how I went from my first kiss, where I found that mute button... to some crazy days leading me to my encounter with Jesus.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Stepping Into The Future

I just signed up my 2 boys, ages 2.5 and .5 for their first email accounts. How strange is that? Feel free to send them some fun emails.

aidenmiddleton [dot] gmail [dot] com
elijahmiddleton [dot] gmail [dot] com

I just saw a special on TV and a 6 year old girl was typing 80 WPM- Just watch out, Aiden will beat that by 3! haha. 

Saturday, July 19, 2008

You Say It's Your Birthday... nah nah nah nah nah nah nah

Well, it's my birthday too, yeah! (that was way dorky, sorry!)

I had the pleasure of sleeping in today! Thank you to my mom coming to visit!! Anywho, I was just thinking about it, and I have acutally been pretty excited about my birthdays all my life (who doesn't love a day to celebrate life?!) I get excited about most people's birthdays for that matter. 

Here's my question though, when should I start not looking forward to them? My sis-in-law's birthday is a few days away, and I was in the card aisle and could hardly find a card that didn't crack a joke at hating getting older and being depressed. 

I love birthday's... I still love my birthday- is there something wrong with that? What age am I "supposed" to start hating them? This is my 27th and I'm happy! :) 

Thursday, July 17, 2008


The boys have been sharing a room for a couple month now and it's been a battle to get them to settle down each naptime and nighttime to sleep. But here and there I get break through. They only take 1 afternoon nap at the same time now, so I have Eli in a pack n play in the guest room for that one, other than that it's official that they are roommates now. 

It took a while for us to figure out the most effective way to get them to bed, and I think we finally did! We put Eli in there first, around 7pm, and give him time to settle down and fall asleep. He's usually out by 7:30, so that is the time we start getting Aiden ready. We read to him in the guest room and pray in there, and started "whisper time" after reading. This gets him in the quiet mode to then go in his room and quietly lay down for bed. It took a few weeks of being consistent with discipline to get him not to wake Eli up to play, but I think it's finally sticking! There were a few weeks there where they would keep each other up until like 9 or 9:30, but now it's usually quiet in there by 8:30 if Eli happens to wake up. Finally!

Aiden did the cutest thing one night.  They were quiet for a while so I thought they had gone to sleep, then I heard Aiden jumping in his bed. I went in and he laid down real fast, then I went over to Eli's crib to try to get him back to sleep and he was holding  a monkey. 

Aiden had obviously given him the stuffed animal... the cute thing is that Aiden has slept with a stuffed animal monkey since he was about 10 months old and he went to the toy bin and got this one out for Eli and he told me "Eli needs a monkey too." 

I love it. I think it's gonna be worth these tough few months to help break down the selfishness that arises when sharing a room, ultimately for a life time of brothers who love each other and enjoy each other. 

Unreal Real News.

Got this info from I didn't believe it until I saw it. S & M Barbie called Black Canary will be on sale for a kid near you starting in September! WHAT!!!???

Seriously, what is Mattel thinking??? How do they tell themselves this is an ok toy for a kid? How do they reason that a sexually suggestive doll is good for a toddler or anyone for any age at that matter.

Ridiculous is what it is. Ridiculous.

Worth Fighting For

There is a battle raging near,
so close and so sincere.
I choose to fight for this promise,
You have spoken very clear.

When the battle is raging,
and my heart begins to fail.
Impatience and anger rise inside,
attacking my stance so dear.

I choose to fight this battle,
To fight for what I know.
What you have spoken to me.
It IS worth fighting for.

I won't give in.
I won't give up.
I believe it's mine to win.
This Battle that has begun,
is worth fighting to the end.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Oh Brother...

So we ventured into the world of the boys sharing a room this week. When we were traveling they had to share a room at my parents house and it went surprisingly well, so we decided we wanted to put them in the same room when we got home. 

I sadly parted with the animal/jungle theme for Aiden's room that I loved so much and went for the Knight/Castles theme for the 2 of them (seemed like it'd last a little longer). It's also themed around the book Wild At Heart, talking about every man is born with 3 dreams in their hearts A Battle to Fight, An Adventure to Live and A Beauty to Rescue. We made an old english sign with those words on them. I'll be posting new pictures of some of the new things we got to decorate it on facebook soon. 

There are several reasons we bunked them together. One, eventually we want them sharing a room because we have a great bunk bed bedroom set that Ross grew up with getting handed down to us. Two, we really want them to bond and love each other, how can you bond any closer than sharing a room? Three, we want them to learn not to be selfish. A few others include, freeing up another room in the house for guests, work, etc., and so on. 

Anywho.... I wanted to hear your thoughts. Did you have to share a room with a sibling growing up? What were your pros/cons in doing it? Do you have your kids sleeping in the same room now? How do you get them to both fall asleep; any tips on getting them to not wake each other up?? 

Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Real Engagement

I have shared many fake engagement stories (see "relationships" label), so now it is time I share the real story.

It was June 15th, 2002 and we happened to be visiting Ross' family over in Panama City. His sister, Shelby, was also home that weekend (it was Father's Day weekend) so all seemed normal. I had been faked out so many times through the duration of knowing we were going to get engaged relatively soon (we had a wedding date in mind for after graduation the following December). 

At this point, besides all the fake engagement stories I have shared before, there were many more times I suspected it was "the time",  but then another day passed. That weekend I honestly had put the idea out of my head because I didn't want to get my hopes up, or ruin the surprise of it all. 

On Friday Ross decided to tell Shelby his plans- good thing! He planned a REAL FAKE Engagement! That's right- he was going to be mean and fake me out the night before to "throw me off". He planned to take me on a romantic date over to Seaside (where Truman Show was filmed) and get down on one knee and all and not actually propose, just set it up to fake me out. In the words of Stephanie Tanner "How Rude!". LUCKILY Shelby told him that was a very Stupid Idea, so he decided not to do it.

So Saturday morning comes around. We got up early because Ross told me he had to "run his dad's boat out for a little while to make sure the engine is running good for Father's Day". I believed him so I just threw on a bathing suit and and got ready to go (no shower or make up or anything like that, cause it was just going to be a quick boat ride, right). Meanwhile, Ross' family all knew what was up so his mom packed a fancy lunch for us. 

I totally didn't see this one coming! We go out to an island called Shell Island that we usually went by boat to the beach for. Everything seemed normal until I noticed Ross kept looking up in the sky. I kept asking him what he was looking for and he just said he was watching for those boat-plane things. By the way, there was NO one out there with us, it was like our own private island that day- pretty cool.

So all of a sudden this random guy on a jet ski pull up next to us and says "I have a delivery for Amy Hoch." What??!! We are out on an island... what is going on? He hands me a Walmart bag with a postal box in it and says "there you go". We get up on the boat and I open the box. My heart begins racing...

I open the postal box and all these notes fall out... I had an idea what was going on at that point, but Ross thought it'd be funny to act like it was a box from a stalker so the notes were to "throw me off again" and they said stuff like "I've been watching you... etc" (I didn't fall for it, but I didn't care, I saw a little jewelry box at the bottom!)

So I pull out the ring box and open it... BLING! BLING! The ring box alone was awesome... it had a spotlight that shined on the fat diamond! Ross gets down on one knee and says some romantic stuff that I can't quite remember (sorry, I was distracted by a fat ring!), but I did hear the "will you marry me?" "YES of Course!" I scream back! After enjoying the moment for a couple hours we started calling everyone we knew... then went to a romantic dinner (after getting all dolled up at home) at THE Capt. Anderson's in PC. And the rest is history...

But there was a catch.... Ross told me why he kept looking in the sky. The guy who came on the jet ski ended up calling a little while later and explained why he came by jet ski... Ross hired him to deliver the ring by boat plane, then we were supposed to go on a little ride after the proposal, but of course that day he went to start it and it wouldn't start. After calling several other friends and people with boat plans, all having engine trouble for some reason, he resulted in delivering it by jet ski. ha! I didn't mind... I still got it! 

Ross was funny, he wrapped it in several layers of floatable stuff and in a walmart bag so if it accidently fell out of the boat plane it would float. haha. 

Anywho- that's the story. I love my man and his creativeness. I would say YES to him a million times over!

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

An Apple A Day

My husband would be so proud about the following post, I should get brownie points. :)

After being a PC girl my whole life, I finally am completely sold out to Apple/ Mac Computers. I had a HP computer all through college, which did great, even after getting soaked (if you missed that story, read here). But I also never really used that computer much for anything other than typing papers and IM back then. It was huge, and bulky, so right after Ross and I got married we used some of our wedding money to buy a new laptop computer... we got a Mac. That was over 5 years ago and it has not skipped a beat.

I was weary to buy one at first, because they operated so different, but after just a couple days I found out how easy it was to navigate. Now after going through probably 4 other PC computers through these last 5 years (as my computer, luckily all donated to us), I give up. They have all gone down the drain before I could even really do anything with them!

We are about to get a new computer (prayerfully the funds will all come in!) and it will definitely be a Mac, no question about it. Plus there is a little incentive for me... I hear if you buy one through school you get a free iPod Touch! Woohoo!

Trust me, once you go Mac, you'll never go Back!

Oh, How Life is Different Now

I was just contemplating this morning how life looks so different for me recently. It's so funny how perspectives change and priorities and even time schedules once kids arrive in your life.

Aside from how much my life drastically changed once God radically changed my life my freshman year of college (which I will share in an upcoming post), having kids has brought even more change.

Gone are the days of sleeping in, period. I used to be able, on weekends, to go until noon if I wanted... I am lucky to make it to 7:45am these days! And even if my hubby wakes with the kids, my body is so used to getting up early I can't sleep past 8:30am any more. I know this hardly compares to some people and their jobs waking them at 4:30 or 5am (mom!), but I also don't have a job that lets me go to sleep by 9pm... it's usually closer to midnight if I'm lucky.

Gone are the days of eating out (at all, let alone every once in a while). It's just too much hassle, and gets more and more expensive feeding more mouths, esp. when my 2 yr old can eat more than me.

Gone are the days of going out late, or hanging out at a friends house past 8pm. Bedtime for the boys is 7:30 or 8pm, so now we gotta get home by 7 to do the bedtime routine!

Gone are the days of getting a "day off". Sure, I get a sabbath.... but do I really? I still have to cook, clean, feed people, and discipline them, teach them, entertain them, so what is a sabbath, really, for parents?

Gone are the days of quick road trips (or long ones for that matter). This was a hard one to get used to once having kids... I love travelling...but now that it requires the circus coming to town, it's quickly dropping on my priority list.

The list can go on... but DO NOT feel sorry for me for one second (as if you did, ha!) because...

Here are the days of hugs, kisses, unconditional love, laughter, fun, growing, character building, watching in amazement, wonder and awe of God's gifts of kids. Here are the days of cuddling, fixing boo boos, smiles, milestones, potty parties, using imagination, being silly, and pool days, and so much more. :)

I am blessed!

oh- and a litte booty camp updated: Aiden actually poopied in the potty last night!!! I think it started out as an accident (he was trying to pee), but once it happened, he kept going! He got a phone call from his favorite TowMater, and was so excited I think there is a good chance it can happen today! YAY!

Monday, July 07, 2008

I Recommend...

I had a fear of public restrooms. Not for me as much as for my potty training kid, and his curious hands and bum bum.

He has officially conquered potty training (#1 at least) so I quickly had to figure out what to do in public places when he had to go. I found this travel potty seat at WalMart and quickly fell in love.

I am surprised at how fast he caught on to going #1 every time. Besides the 2 messes the morning after Booty Camp, he hasn't skipped a beat! If only we could get #2 in the toilet, we'd be golden... any suggestions??

We have used several public restrooms, luckily the ones I have experienced in these last few days haven't been too bad, but this little seat was still a life saver. We practiced at home with it, and at first he said he felt like he was going to fall in, but after I reassured him, he got used to it. It folds up pretty small so it fits in the diaper bag nicely in a gallon baggie so it doesn't gross me out too bad... better than his little hiney sitting on "who knows what".

Now I feel like we are safe to go out and about again... he only goes #2 during nap time in his pull ups, so at least that is predictable. Otherwise he is officially wearing his big boy underwear! Woohoo! He's a Big Kid Now!

Until I can share some good tips on #2 training... I will call it quits on sharing the details of my child's bathroom habits... he'll kill me if this is circulating when he is big and famous one day!

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Booty Camp!

I finally sucked it up and did it. I attempted the Potty Training in Less than a Day method of Potty Training for my 2. 5 year old! Crazy huh!

Currently we are only 3 days out from the initial day- and so far so good! I will keep you updated as we go, if I recommend this style or not. So far I am happy with it though, and it will so turn out to be worth it if it lasts!

So what does potty training in less than a day look like? Here are some pictures (they are at the end of the album).

I'll break it down for you:

It all started months ago. I got a little potty with a seat that can transfer to the big toilet. Every day before nap time I would sit Aiden on it and ask if he needs to go potty. He never did it, but the goal was just to get him used to it and excited about it. A few weeks ago I made a Potty Training Chart (thanks for tips Emily!). It's a curvy road that he fills with stickers, small ones for going #1, big ones for #2.  curve in the road he gets a reward, and at the finish line he gets to go to the store and pick out a prize. I also got it in his head that he would get M & Ms if he actually went. 

So Monday night was time to prepare for Tuesday- D-Day for Potty Training Boot Camp (Booty Camp as I call it). You may think I'm crazy but I prepared for LOCKING myself and Aiden in our bathroom ALL day. We literally sat in the tiny room for 8.5 hours straight, without opening the door. We packed our lunches, snacks, tons of juice, an alarm clock, books, games, shower paints, and toys and big boy underwear. I brought in a DVD player, and some shoes to motivate him. If he went #2 I was going to give him a few minutes of his favorite TV show, or a chance to run outside. I called some family and friends and had them on stand by for the next day to receive a phone call from Aiden telling of his success and some of them agreed to be his favorite characters. 

Tuesday morning came. We ate a normal breakfast and talked about spending the day in the bathroom. He seemed pretty excited. Ross agreed to take care of Eli all day and pretend they weren't even home so Aiden would get distracted or want to go out. We went in the bathroom and the eating and drinking began. This kid threw down the food and juice boxes! 

I set the alarm, every 10 mintues we would sit on the potty and try to go. The idea was go get him used to it and muscle memory on what it feels like. I would encourage him every time for trying. Finally about 2 hours into it, 3 juice boxes and 1/2 a water bottle later, I knew he had to pee! He started to do the dance. We sat on the toilet and he dribbled his first few drops. His reaction was hilarious! He was just amazed at watching it come out! LOL- sorry if that is TMI. So we flushed it, washed our hands and got M & Ms and a sticker. THEN we called his favorite- "Diego & Baby Jaguar" (from Nick Jr.) Ross did his best impression with a spanish accent and Aiden was hooked! As soon as he got off the phone he yelled "I gotta PEE!" He sat down and it was like a FLOOD. He even started laughing half way through cause it lasted so long! He was so excited... this time he got everything plus a call from "Mickey Mouse" (my mom). Ha! 

He did great through out the day- got calls from Blue & Joe (Blue's Clues) and Daddy, the grand parents and Aunt Shelby & Friends. I kept waiting for him to go #2, kept reminding him we could go outside, but he just held it in. I waited and waited, even missed his nap because of it (And I was so looking forward to that break). I was amazed at his attitude the whole time, he's an active little guy so I never thought he'd last cooped up in there! 

5:30pm rolled around and we both just about had it. He hadn't made any messes ALL day, peed 7 times perfectly so I decided we could go out and see the rest of the fam. He was so proud of himself! I was origionally planning on staying in there through dinner if I had to so make sure he got it, but he did so great with #1, I was satisfied. 

So what has happened since? He's had 2 messes... right when he woke up the next day. I feared he may have lost all that hard work. But I think after he realized what happens when he goes through underwear, that it doesn't just soak in (and he has to help clean it), he decided to tell us when he had to go from then on. We still set the alarm... we have moved up slowly to 20 minutes between, even though he tells us every time now. And he still has yet to go #2 in the potty, but I just heard a new trick for that, I will try later. 

We have him wearing underwear all day, but at naptime and bedtime he wears pull ups (he calls them naptime underwear) just until we are sure he's got it. That is where he has pooped the last 2 days. So I would have to say so far, so good! Booty Camp is a success! 

Next thing to tackle: going #2 in the potty. The tip I got was to give him a lollipop to go #2. He will only get it when he sits there and tries to poop. Hopefully it will keep him patient enough and relaxed enough to actually go. We are also bribing him with a phone call to TowMater (from CARS, Ross w/ a redneck voice- he's excited about that one!) I'll let you know! 

I just can't believe he is old enough now for this! That makes me sad! :) I'm one proud mama though! 

Monday, June 30, 2008

Courtship vs. Dating (On Healthy Relationships pt. 7)

The long awaited finale of the On Healthy Relationships Series is here! Here is the last post in case you have missed it or forget it at this point. :) Sorry this is a long one... it's important!

Let me start with a little personal history on this topic. I dated for years, as most people do in this world... it started out where I was attracted to a guy, I would bat my little eyes at him (flirt), and then he'd ask me out. No matter what his character was like, no matter if we were headed in the same direction in life, no matter if we believed in the same things... when I saw someone I thought was cute, I would go for him. And what would happen during this relationship? We'd usually flirt, try to impress each other any way possible, and try to push each other as close to "the edge" as we could get... usually resulting me in feeling guilty and shameful the next day.

This process went on for years. I thought this was the only way to find "the one". I thought this was normal, as frustrating as the process was, I convinced myself I was having fun, because everyone who was dating around was, right? But it usually only ended in me giving myself too much, physically, emotionally, mentally to someone who I wasn't even sure I truly liked for the long term. It was a vicious cycle.

Then, in the middle of my freshman year of college- God showed up. Literally. (I will share a post on this encounter another time) but let's get to the point, right? After God showed up, my mind was changed. I realized there was another way to do this dating thing, another way to find "the one". A better way.

Some may call it courting, some dating... I prefer Dating with a Purpose. Whatever you call it, once God gets a hold of your life, everything looks different, and this is a major part of my life that drastically changed- thank God!

Dating with a purpose is not the same as engagement. I've heard this definition before: an official, public, accountable dating relationship with the intention of marriage, creating a morally safe avenue for 2 people to seek the will of God together.

Don't let the "intention of marriage" phrase scare you. It simply means that you have a purpose, you aren't aimlessly dating around or the fun of it, but have a reason you are getting to know each other so well. There is always the option of going back to friendship with this way of dating because you don't cross the lines of emotional/physical/spiritual intimacy; but if one of these are crossed, then there will be weirdness if they aren't the one.

Most people think of courting or dating with a purpose being where you just don't cross that physical line, but we must be on guard not to cross the emotional or spiritual one in this stage. Just being physically abstinent as a single person is not the Bible's standard (1 Cor. 7:1, 1 Thess 4, 1 Tim 5). I don't know about you, but I wouldn't tolerate my husband being emotionally promiscuous. Song of Songs 8:4 says we should not stir up or entertain passions or desires that we cannot righteously fulfill. Bottom line: flirting leads to defrauding and fantasy is dangerous.

Most people look at love as something that is feelings driven, "chemistry", and temporary, that just sets us up for failure down the road. I think anyone can have chemistry with ANYONE, if either of you are slightly attractive and in the right setting or mood. I think that term is so overrated and just plain dumb. That is emotional intimacy and sets a pattern for instability, most likely leading to divorce down the road because "the feelings are gone". The more you set the pattern of breaking up, the easier it becomes.

There is no cookie cutter relationship, some people will date for 2 months, some for 2 years, but you need to embrace the season and get to know that person, and just because you are "courting, or dating with a purpose" doesn't mean you are getting married- they aren't your husband or wife until you make the investment of a large diamond and beautiful wedding! Some of Ross' and my most fun times were when we were dating and getting to know each other.
So when dating with a purpose you have accountability- you are open to people asking the hard questions, you have standards- physical, emotional, and spiritual lines that you establish together from the beginning and don't cross til you are married, and you are heading in a direction that brings you BOTH closer to God and His calling on your life.

As I had to learn the hard way- Don't try to play God in your relationships (forcing, flirting, playing around); Let God Write Your Love Story. He will bring His best for you, when you are ready for it. And trust me- His Best is THE Best!

So... what do you think is the difference between dating as a Christian and dating as our culture sees it?

Side note: I wanted to give some resources for books on relationships:
The Friendship of Women by Dee Brestin
Seasons of Friendship by Ruth Senter (these first 2 are about healthy friendships)
I Kissed Dating Goodbye & Boy Meets Girl by Joshua Harris
Passion and Purity by Elisabeth Elliot
Every Woman's Battle by Shannon Ethridge
Lady in Waiting by Debby Jones and Jacke Kendall
When God Writes Your Love Story by Eric & Leslie Ludy
Going All the Way by Craig Groeschel

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

What Do You Recommend?

It's about time I get me a new cell phone! I have had mine for 2. 5 years, and for cell phones these days, that is pretty good! I had the iTunes's phone... no that is not an iPhone... it was the old school, one of the 1st MP3 player phones. I could hold about 100 songs on it and it had great speakers.

But sadly it is starting to act funny on me. It ghost rings... rings when no one is calling and won't stop until I take the battery all the way out. It randomly turns on and off.. yes on by itself. When I text, it is now showing up on other people's phones as a slide show, and they can't reply to it. And now it won't ring when someone IS calling, or vibrate for that matter.

So it's time to get a new one. I have ATT/Cingular so if you are familiar with their phones, what do you recommend?

I am leaning towards a red LG Shine. I love deep red phones, and that is a fun slide one. I think I might be getting an iPod Touch soon (hint hint, hubby... it comes free with a new MAC!) So I don't need a smart phone... just a cute, would like it to be easy to text with, little phone.

Give me suggestions!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Cheeseburger in Paradise!

Love me some Jimmy Buffett... but I do love me some cheeseburgers even more! I am not inspired to write this blog because I just got back from Key West... amazing trip by the way... but because my hubby and I just got done watching the Travel Channel and a special on Burgers... and have I mentioned we love burgers?

After that show it looks like we are packing up the boys and heading up the eastern seaboard to hit the hottest Cheeseburger joints in America for our next year summer vacation! ha! (You think I'm kidding, but I don't think Ross is letting me have a say in that)

So I decided to compile a list of my favorite Cheeseburger experiences for you (no particular order, except #1):

1. Tally Ho in Panama City, Easily takes my #1 slot! YOU GOTTA GO! (and order a chocolate shake and Sour Cream Logs on the side to complete the experience)
2. In & Out Burger in California, Double Double Animal style please!
3. Coram's in Panama City, Cheeseburger Special- best burger deal: burger, fries, sweet tea = $3.95!
4. Jimmy Buffett's Margarittaville, Cheeseburger in Paradise.
5. Ted's Montana Grill, Bison Burgers!
6. TGI Friday's, Cheese Double Cheese (fried cheese on your burger (and a heart attack on the side) is my Hubby's favorite, the Black and Blue was my favorite.
7. Lucky Dill Burger Grill in Palm Harbor (my home town represented!) But sadly this place closed recently- that was a dark day.
8. Spinnaker's in Panama City, they do have a 1 lb burger, I witnessed someone (cough, joel, cough) eat it!
9. McGuire's in Destin, You can get a burger basically ANY way you want, including an ice cream sundae right on top!!! And the Kitchen Sink burger, the chef puts practically every ingredient in the kitchen on it! sick!
10. Five Guy's Burger & Fries, mmm!

Ok, now that I am about to drool I am ending this post. Please share your favorites! Happy Eating!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day!

I know this post is coming late for Father's Day, but it doesn't mean it is worth any less. I just had to give a shout out to all the amazing Father's out there! In this day and age, you stand out and are worthy to be given a day to be honored!

To my Dad (Doge, to the boys)- Happy Father's Day! You are awesome, and I could never thank you enough for being the loving, fun, and perfect dad for me! It was great getting to spend this special day with you!

To my baby's daddy- I wish I submitted you to father of the year... or how bout of the century. I think you are the best. You are the perfect husband and father for me and the boys, and I am thankful for the way you step up and are a real MAN! Thank you for setting the example and raising the bar for our boys.

I am just so blessed to be surrounded but such great men in my life. I know that is getting rare in this day and age, but I hope and pray that begins to change soon, it will make all the difference.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Always an Adventure

It seems there is always an adventure with our family, huh! Well, this one has to do with our current living situation.

When I was in college and God started changing my heart and life around, I started to get a big heart for Missions. I went on a retreat with my college roommate where I had gotten prayed for by some pastors. One of them said "you are called to be an evangelist". My first thought- Oh my goodness... I am going to be like that lady on TV with the huge purple hair. That is all I knew of an "evangelist". Then I went on my first mission trip to Costa Rica the following summer and that is where I heard God speak to me "this is what you will be doing the rest of your life."

That was a little overwhelming. All I knew of being a missionary was living on dirt floors, eating the cheapest food, or even some that was given to us by local people that barely had enough to survive on themselves, and traveling to remote areas of the world. The thought of that wasn't exactly what I was hoping for from God. I think it is amazing and God has called certain people to live a life like that to spread the Gospel, but it wasn't exactly for me (as far as I know). So I was happy when I felt God call me to the college campus as a missionary. Looks way different than what I thought being in missions would!

So when my husband and I signed up for campus ministry we had to raise our funds through financial partners to keep us in ministry full time. Thankfully we have amazing parents that let us crash at their houses when out on the road raising funds. That brings me to the latest adventure.

We are currently at my parents house near Tampa Bay. They had moved to a new (OLD) house while I was in college, a fixer- upper, so to say. This house needed (and needs) a lot of work! It's an awesome location, and right on a beautiful lake. BUT until the house gets fixer-ed up... it's definitely a mission field!

Being here with a 2.5 yr old and .5 yr old, has added a new dimension to that as well! Here is a look at what we arrived to this past week (as my parents were out of town and the house currently under construction):

NO AC! Alligators sunbathing on the backyard lawn (up to 16 ft. long, no exaggerating). Lake Flies like the Plague. NO POWER on half the house. BATS in the attic (recently moved to an outside bat house). A Blanket for a wall (to the outside- where the alligators and bugs are). Ply wood as doors. Only one usable bedroom for 5 adults and 2 kids. Wasps on the front door, and back windows. Spiders everywhere. Lizards everywhere. Construction Dust on everything. Humidity like no where else. Snakes randomly outside. Roaches randomly FLYING by. And the newest addition: RATS!

Ok... it sounds a LOT worse than it seems (to me anyway, my hubby may disagree). I promise, once this house gets done getting re-modeled it will be awesome. But in the mean time- it is my missionary life. This is God's way of showing me right now- don't get to comfortable! Goodnews: since we arrived, we have power and AC now. And we haven't seen the rats since the 2nd day. So it's slowly improving... right?! :)

I can't complain, just wanted to share the adventure. We have it good still, here in America!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The M Word

Ok, here's the dealy-o. This blog is co-authored by my amazing husband and myself.

In response to my previous blog on the 6 F's (foundations for relationships), this subject stirred some controversy so I wanted to address it in full.

There are few people (especially pastors) willing to talk about The M Word, masturbation. But it's time to expose this sin to light. I know this may be a touchy subject to a lot of you, but I think it is one that is just not talked about because of the shame and perversion it consists of.

Just because the M word is not found in the Bible, doesn't mean it is not a sin. There are plenty of things that aren't specifically mentioned in the bible that are sin. So that logic just doesn't fly. I once heard that Sin is fulfilling a legitimate need, illegitimately. Masturbation is a form of trying to fulfill a sexual need in an illegitimate way. Just like any sin pattern, it can be broken. I know MANY men and women that have gotten free from that "habit". Just like they say about pot being the gateway drug to hard core drugs like cocaine, I think masturbation is the same in the sex world... it's the gateway to bigger and harder to break sexually immoral things.

I don't believe people can masturbate and not think about a person lustfully (Matt. 5:28). I think that the desire to masturbate comes from the desire to have sex, and if you aren't married, biblically you cannot have sex. So that makes it a battle in your mind. Jesus calls us to take our thoughts captive to the obedience of Christ, and masturbation acts on a fantasy in your mind, therefore the problem is in your mind, it is just the manifestation and fleshing out of what is going on inside your head. If you have a problem with anger or aggression, masturbating is not going to fix that, that is a deeper problem. If you use that logic with any type of sin, it just doesn't make sense. The only way to fix sinful problems is to repent and allow God to come in and change your heart and patterns in your life.

The reason people cannot stop masturbating is because they are in bondage to it... if it wasn't sinful you wouldn't be driven to do it. If you really think it isn't sin, I challenge you to not do it for a year, and see if you are able to. My bet... you won't be able to unless you repent and ask God to give you victory over it. Another sign it is a sin, it produces shame, guilt, and you are too embarrassed to talk to anyone about it.

So now you may be asking yourself, how do I get out of this vicious cycle?
The biggest ways to break this bondage in your life would be to confess the Word, find God's promises in the Bible that talk about taking thoughts captive and purity and speak them over yourself. Another way, Prayer- Pray that God would give you victory. See James 5:16, go to someone and confess that you have a problem and have them pray for you. Stay accountable. If you have a lust problem, or porn problem, get on your computer.

Let the comments begin...

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The 6 F's (On Healthy Relationships pt. 6)

It's finally time to complete the 6 F's! I'm sorry it has taken me so long to get this post out there, but if you missed the first 3 of 6, here is the link.

The 6 F's, or foundations needed before even thinking of that next level with a guy (and can be used vice versa for a girl) is what we have been talking about.

1. Fulfillment
2. Feelings
3. Family
4. Finding
5. Forgetting
6. Fondling

4. Finding
wisdom in the counsel of many. You need an outside perspective of the situation, someone to let you know if you both are ready for that next step. You've probably heard before, and I totally believe that The Right thing at the Right time is the Right thing; The Right thing at the Wrong time is the Wrong thing; and the Wrong thing at the Wrong time is the Wrong Thing!
No matter how much you think you know that person, you need to make sure there isn't some big issue or sin in their life (or yours for that matter). You should see if they have accountability or spiritual coaches that could clue you in on timing and/or if there should even be a next step. I saw how important this was in my own life through friendships and relationships I had with my "spiritual coaches", who helped me see if even thinking about Ross was a good idea, and could be reality, or if I was just way off in a dream world. It's not about telling the world that you like someone, it's about being wise and thinking through a major step in your life. This is a lame example, but I am sure going to talk to my friends or connections in the financial world before I jump into the stock market and buy the first thing that looks good. I want to know what I would be investing in, you should to!

5. Forgetting
" thing I do, forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead..." Phil. 3:12-14 You need to let go of the past, and not fear the future. Any past relationships that may have burned you need to be healed, and any that you haven't let go of yet must be cut off. I know from experience that they WILL come back to haunt you if you don't take care of them before moving into the next relationship. Even if you haven't ever been in a relationship, don't let the fear of failing keep you from the joy of being in one in the future. There is freedom in failure (whether you continue dating or not, I'm not talking about sin here). You learn from mistakes. A great book I would recommend that address this very topic is Lady in Waiting by Kendell & Jones.

6. Fondling I saved the best for last! There must be no hint of sexual immorality (Eph. 5:3), don't even look at a person lustfully or you have committed adultery in your heart (Matt. 5:28). This includes the M word, masturbation. Yes I typed it! You may think that is only an issue men deal with, but it is becoming a bigger one for women in the recent years. "That behavior undermines your integrity and even your ultimate sexual and emotional fulfillment once you are married. When we think about doing something, and play it out in our thoughts, it makes it much easier to engage in that behavior. IT is also an act of pride, telling God His Holy Spirit can't satisfy you so you have to yourself."- Shannon Ethridge. This is critical: You Must draw your line in the sand BEFORE You start dating. If you think you will be in a right mind to make the decision to not go any further physically, when you are in the heat of the moment... you will get burned. When you have the DTR (defining the relationship talk) you should have it in your mind to, right then, have the physical STANDARDS talk! Like I mentioned before, the way you hold to these standards not only shows how much you respect God, and his commands, but it especially shows how much you respect each other, and can trust each other for the years to come (if that is the case).

There you have it... I want FEEDBACK!

I will be posting one final On Relationships pt. 7 soon, on Courtship vs. Dating- my thoughts. So that will conclude this series... with perfection (7)

Thursday, June 05, 2008


Arize Live, Featuring Jon Owens is now available on iTunes! I HIGHLY recommend this CD! 

My husband played acoustic guitar on it, and co-wrote the song, Fire Burns (Arise). 

If you can do ANYTHING, please go download the song FIRE BURNS! It is worth it! You will love it! 

Also, please leave a comment about the Album on iTunes, and rate it... the more buzz it gets, the more iTunes will promote it! 

I absolutely love this CD, and can't get enough of it. Jon Owens is a close friend and the Worship Leader at our church in Tallahassee. It's great stuff. You will like it! Oh, and my sister-in-law, the rock star (Shelby) also sang on the album, leading God of the Ages and co-wrote Jesus, Jesus


Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Like Father, Like Son

Aiden just sucked down 3 full sippy cups of water in less than 10 minutes. Anyone who knows my husband would say.... Like Father, Like Son. 

I just realized today that Aiden is a lot like me too. He is an actor. He was walking around the house looking for sympathy and hugs for his "head really so hurts" from bumping it (which he didn't). When I was in preschool and elementary school I would totally act. My biggest productions were when I would totally fake being sick, just to stay home to watch the Price is Right. It would work almost every time, especially if I turned on the tears. Man was I good! 

Now I know what to watch for with Aiden! 

A New Level Of Gross

Get ready to be grossed out... this story is a doozie!

Back in the day, when Ross and I were dating, he always raved about this place back home, in Panama City called Unisex Hair Shop. I agree it was a great deal: $6 for a shampoo, hair cut, hot towel thingy, and a head and neck massage with this strange vibrating thing. Ross and all his friends back home had a bond with this place and with their hair dresser  (Sharon), in fact she made us an embroidered wedding gift! 

So I decided to venture into this place one day with him to see what it was all about. It is a hole in the wall! The entire shop is stand alone, and bright yellow with a giant (10 ft) plaster parrot out front, and its probably as big as our closet. It has 2 hair cutting chairs in it and a wall dividing them. 

Ross was getting his hair cut and I was sitting on the other side of the wall watching the other hair dresser cut someone else's hair, so he didn't get to witness this unfolding of events.

This man walked in with one of the longest, greasiest, nastiest MULLET hair I've ever seen. The hairdresser (Carol, I believe) asked "What are you gonna get done today?" He said "Let's Cut it ALL off!" 

So she ties the hair into a pony tail, not bothering to wash it or anything yet and cuts it straight off. This pony tail had to be about 2 feet long. She was standing there with it in her hand and got out her buzzer (razor) and started flattening off the top of the pony tail in her hand.

The guy sitting next to me asks her "Carol, what are you planning on doing with that thing?" She proceeds to (with a total straight face) say, "I am needing a new blush brush, so I think I'll take this one home." And she throws it in her Purse!!!!! 


It's TRUE and she was 100% serious. I just about gagged. 

Anyone want an authentic Mullet Blush Brush? I know where you can get one now.

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Pet Cemetery

I saw that movie when I was younger and it totally freaked me out, I do not recommend it, but I do want to ask about the pets you have had and/or do have in your life. 

I was just thinking about my former pets earlier today and wanted to know names, how many, what your favorites were, and if any of you had any cool stories about any of your pets.

When I was born, my parents had a dog and 2 cats... Ralphie the  Sheep Dog- funny story: When Ralphie died my parents told my brother (who was only like 4 at the time) that he went to the "Farm" to do what he was made to- herd sheep, and my brother believed that until he was like in college! ha- sad, but ha! And the 2 cats- Punkin & Bobo, one of which was potty trained!

Then we got Holly "Waddle Doodle Berry" Hoch, she mainly went by Holly (Hoch was my maiden name), but I gave her that middle name when I was 3. She was an awesome beagle who lived to be 17! She was a great dog... who was actually trained to hunt rabbits, but never hurt them, just picked them up like a puppy and brought them to us, VERY unlike my current dog, as most of you probably read here

While we had Holly, I got a pet hamster, who didn't last long. And my brother went through multiple snakes (who always seemed to escape) and Salamanders. 

Then there was the infamous Suzie Q.... you have probably read about here. {tear}

When Ross and I got married we got a Bichon Frieze we named Porter "Porterhouse Tank Middleton", love him (went through a rough patch with the rabbit thing, but we're ok now). 

Aiden even had his first pet when  he turned 1- a fish from Aunt Stephie we affectionately named "Geoduck", pronounced Gooey-duck. (Long story behind that name) But he only lived a few months before going belly up- I admittedly almost cried, but Aiden only asked about him a couple times before forgetting (thankfully he was too young). Not exactly the case with the bunnies, yet again. :)

So, on that note, now that you know my pet history... what about you? 

I am definitely a dog girl, my 2 favorite pets ever have been Holly and Porter. They are just awesome (even if Porter whines and eats bunnies), I still love him. :) 

White People Can Dance!

You can't watch this and not agree with me! SYTYCD is awesome!