Wednesday, November 11, 2009


How do YOU decompress?

Every so often "it" always piles up on me.... I feel overwhelmed, exhausted, stretched to my limit, get snappy, easily frustrated and I'm just not fun to be around. I realized this the other day, and it dawned on me... I haven't had any "time off". I try to have my quiet time each day, and that's usually enough to help me get through the day, but sometimes you need just a little bit more.

It's amazing how just a little change in scenery can change your perspective and help you decompress. I am trying to work it into our weekly schedule that Ross spends extra time with the boys alone, and I go somewhere to "decompress". It doesn't take a whole lot to have a huge effect on me. This week I just went window shopping, alone, for a few hours, got a Starbucks, journaled, and read a book. When I got home, I was like a new woman!

What does the trick for you? How do you refresh/decompress? I would love to hear some tips or ideas!


Natalie said...

I've recently discovered chamomile tea. It doesn't make me drowsy, just leaves me feeling very relaxed. The stronger the better and if you don't like the bitter taste you can add honey. It really helps you to just slow down and feel like everything is going to be okay.

Amy Middleton said...

good idea Natalie! never had that before, must try! :)

Sarah W. said...

I also like to shop alone and/or go to Starbucks! I also like to spend some time with God in my car. My daily times at home do not even compare to the times in the car....not sure why....maybe its the lack of distractions?
I also like to just go to our basement and hang out alone....catch up on DVR shows and drink Diet Coke!

But I agree....if I do not get time off every few weeks for so, I start to get snappy.