Thursday, January 01, 2009

In The Year 2009....

{must sing the Late Night with Conan Obrian way} :)

It's that time of year again, where we make the New Years Resolutions.... here is what I reslove to work on:

1. Keeping my New Years Resolutions, haha
2. Discipline (My hubby and I are in the same boat with this one, maybe we can spur each other on and actually keep to it then!) in the 4 areas: physically- eat right and work out; mentally- expanding my brain and my children's brain w/ reading and learning, emotionally- see #3, and putting effort into communication and romance in my marriage (coming on 6 years in 17 days!!!) and spiritually- consistant QTs! Not quite times, QUALITY TIME w/ Jesus.
3. Work on my initial reactions. I admittedly have a frustration/anger/stressing problem. These tend to be my first reactions to my situations. I DO NOT want to default to these emotions anymore.
4. Going Deep. I want to make a concerted effort to get deeper in my relationships, stop the surface stuff and connect with friends/ family/ God. 
5. Stop being Mediocre. If I'm gonna Blog, I want to be a great Blogger; If I'm gonna cook, I wanna be an excellent cook; If I'm gonna be a mom, I want to be a great mom; If I'm gonna be a wife, I want to set the bar; If I'm gonna be a follower of Christ, I want it to bring transformation...

That is just the top of the list, I have many more goals and prayers in my heart for this year... I think New Years is the perfect time to re-evaluate where you are and where you want to go. What is in your heart?


Stephanie said...

Thanks for sharing! I have several as well, but my biggest one is to live with gratitude and be a blessing to others. I don't want to live discontented or always wanting. I want to realize my blessings and anticipate more. I want to bless others and see them love God more. Let's have a real hangout/catch-up time soon!

Jaime said...

I can totally relate to you on several of those. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Those are some good ones. With all except maybe #3, I should probably make the same ones. :)

Kristen Allen said...

AMY!!! First time I've read your blog and you have inspired me! I'm hooked! :) Your New Years Resolutions are a lot like mine...oh and 6 years! WOW! I'm coming up on 6 months. LOL!