Saturday, December 12, 2009

Birthday Week Wrap Up

My boys turned 2, 4 & 29 this week! :) Dec. 6-12 is an insane week for us every year, but oh so fun! The best part is we get to eat cake and ice cream pretty much every day & night for a whole week and we don't have to feel guilty!

My amazing hubby's birthday is today! I love you, Ross and am the luckiest girl in the world to be married to you and get to celebrate your 29 blessed years so far on this earth!

I was looking back through my blog and found this one when Aiden and Eli were 2 and 3 mo. old.... I figured I'd up date commemorating their birthdays! We'll see how many remain the same!

Top 10 fun facts about Aiden (2 yrs old, now 4!):
1. his personality reminds me of me.- STILL!
2. he truly loves people (I have yet to see him scared of anyone or not like them)- STILL!
3. he talks with a British accent sometimes (and I didn't coax him!) UPDATE: no more british accent, sad, but he is picking up some Spanish now!
4. he never stops (talking, moving, you name it) UPDATE: add Climbing to that.
5. he loves the Bible (especially page 368) UPDATE: he loves ALL books
6. he loves to sing (and hear ME sing!)- STILL!
7. his favorite hobbies lately are playing with cars, riding his bike, and coloring. UPDATE: Painting & writing letters has trumped coloring.
8. he loves being outside (and swimming in the summer) UPDATE: Playing in SNOW!
9. he eats his veggies without complaining (unlike his father!) UPDATE: He still prefers veggies over meat, but it's harder to get him to eat it these days, he's more into bread & dessert.
10. when he will be still enough to give me a hug, it's the best!- STILL!

10 fun things about Eli (3 months old/ now 2!):
1. he came early so I didn't have to gain as much weight this pregnancy. UPDATE: he has more than caught up from being a premie, in weight, development, etc!
2. he is a chunky monkey (15 lbs already, 97th percentile!) - STILL! (weighs pretty much the same as Aiden now!) Eli is my meat eater too... prefers meat over anything else.
3. he smiles every time Aiden gets in his face- STILL! (and copies everything he does too!)
4. he has an amazing ability to projectile poop UPDATE: Thankfully we are past that stage, but he sure does love talking about poopie and bum bums now!
5. he sleeps a lot (great on long car rides) UPDATE: not so great on long car rides anymore, but does still sleep great (with the exception of this afternoon and him crying instead of napping)
6. he has blue eyes- STILL- and kept that blonde hair!!!
7. he has started to laugh UPDATE: his laugh is so infectious!
8. he is totally different than Aiden (looks and personality)- STILL!
9. he looks just like his daddy-STILL!
10. he snuggles!- STILL!!!!!!!!

Happy Birthday to my birthday boys this week! I love you all!


The Fishers said...

Thanks for the update! I loved it!

We sure missed seeing you all this week. Wish we could have been there!!

Kelly Bell said...

What a fun post! And I am with Aiden...I would rather eat bread and dessert over anything too! LOL

Angela said...

Isn't it great how kids (people) are nearly the same from the time they are born, they just grow up.

bella chung said...

that was a great post.. i miss them so much. and this is the fun time to be around them too!! miss you and ross too!!

Unknown said...

awe! Aiden IS just like mommy and Eli IS the best snugggler! miss my boys!