Wednesday, April 22, 2009

"Haha, I Am Funny!"

Today was a very Bittersweet day for me.... Sweet in that it was the Awards day for the last day of school for Aiden at Mom's Morning Out at our church (it's a 2 day a week preschool). Bitter in the fact that it was the last day of school, this year... and for Aiden in MMO. boo!

So I am just so proud of my boy- he won the award "The Best Comedian". It just made my day! Sometimes you wonder, do other people see what I see in my kid... and I'm so thankful for the amazing teachers at that school, they do see his humor! :) He asked me what comedian meant and I told him it meant he was funny, and he said "Yeah, haha, I AM funny!".

Seriously, that school has blessed me beyond measure... it has been amazing watching Aiden learn, develop and grow there. I am so sad it's time for him to move on..... it makes me really look forward to the future and more school days.

Have you ever won any awards in school? The only one that comes to my memory was my senior year of high school I won one... it's shallow so I won't even mention it here. lol but I did get ONE! hahaha


Kelly Bell said...

Is that just some random neighborhood cat in the picture? haha! I think Aiden is VERY funny too!

Amy Middleton said...

no, we got a new pet, didn't you know?! KIDDING!!!! I hate that stupid cat, it will never leave us alone when we go outside.... and it sleeps on our front porch chair leaving nasty cat hair behind.... ugh.

can you tell I'm not a cat person? lol. I'll stick with my porter- he atleast usually scares that dumb cat away. :)