Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Shame on Him!

I was watching the Today Show the other day and the hosts were outside talking and they were showing people's signs that were standing there. One of them said"HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Honey!" So Matt Lauer asked the man where his wife was and how long they were married. And this was his reply:

"We've been married 37 years and I forgot our anniversary yesterday so she made me come out here since 5:30am and hold this sign to show everyone I am a fool until the show is over. Happy Anniversary Baby, I love you."

HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH! I saw that and started laughing out loud! (he actually had a good attitude when he said it) Matt Lauer's response was funny too: "oh man, that is bad... Martha Stewart is on in a little while, I'll bring you some of her crafts after the show so you can bring it home to your wife." LOL!

What is so funny about that is he had to stand out there in the cold for HOURS (cause that show is so long!) trying to make up for his whoops moment! LOL.

What's the worst thing you have forgotten, how did you make up for it?


Kelly Bell said...

Oh my gosh!! That is hilarious! Very clever wife too. Wish I would have seen that!

Angela said...

That guy must really love his wife!
I used to get Aaron's birthday mixed up with my cousin's. Same month but he was born on the 9th not the 6th. He gave me a hard time for a long time. Honestly I only can remember it now because my birthday is on the 29th and I'm two years older than him on my birthday.

portorikan said...

That's pretty funny. I can't think of anything really bad that I've forgotten... how ironic is that.

Maybe I'm just that good. :)

Anonymous said...

I haven't forgotten anything that I know of, but my mom forgot my birthday 5 years in a row!!!