Sunday, June 01, 2008

Pet Cemetery

I saw that movie when I was younger and it totally freaked me out, I do not recommend it, but I do want to ask about the pets you have had and/or do have in your life. 

I was just thinking about my former pets earlier today and wanted to know names, how many, what your favorites were, and if any of you had any cool stories about any of your pets.

When I was born, my parents had a dog and 2 cats... Ralphie the  Sheep Dog- funny story: When Ralphie died my parents told my brother (who was only like 4 at the time) that he went to the "Farm" to do what he was made to- herd sheep, and my brother believed that until he was like in college! ha- sad, but ha! And the 2 cats- Punkin & Bobo, one of which was potty trained!

Then we got Holly "Waddle Doodle Berry" Hoch, she mainly went by Holly (Hoch was my maiden name), but I gave her that middle name when I was 3. She was an awesome beagle who lived to be 17! She was a great dog... who was actually trained to hunt rabbits, but never hurt them, just picked them up like a puppy and brought them to us, VERY unlike my current dog, as most of you probably read here

While we had Holly, I got a pet hamster, who didn't last long. And my brother went through multiple snakes (who always seemed to escape) and Salamanders. 

Then there was the infamous Suzie Q.... you have probably read about here. {tear}

When Ross and I got married we got a Bichon Frieze we named Porter "Porterhouse Tank Middleton", love him (went through a rough patch with the rabbit thing, but we're ok now). 

Aiden even had his first pet when  he turned 1- a fish from Aunt Stephie we affectionately named "Geoduck", pronounced Gooey-duck. (Long story behind that name) But he only lived a few months before going belly up- I admittedly almost cried, but Aiden only asked about him a couple times before forgetting (thankfully he was too young). Not exactly the case with the bunnies, yet again. :)

So, on that note, now that you know my pet history... what about you? 

I am definitely a dog girl, my 2 favorite pets ever have been Holly and Porter. They are just awesome (even if Porter whines and eats bunnies), I still love him. :) 


Kristin Sheffield said...

Hmm..i had all kinds of crazy pets. My family all always had dogs when i was really little. The three i remember most are a poodle named Beauregard, a Mutt named buddy who was constantly loosing hair because he was alergic to grass and our Malamute/Husky named Jasper. We actually owned all of those at the same time. My first official pet was a long haired hampster named Pumba...he was a crazy little guy. I also owned a hermet crab named Brownie because it had a brown shell...Tooo bad when she changed shells the name didn;t fit at all...LOL Then finally I had 2 bunnies. My first one was named thumper and he too was eaten by dogs and then my second one I had was named Chloe. Now I have 2 dogs as you know, Ochie and Buster. We are definitely going to be a dog family.

Alison said...

We never had cats or dogs as pets because my brother was allergic. However, I went through my share of goldfish, and I cried at each death. Needless to say, I cried a lot! lol

I also had mice in middle school, and a guinea pig for about 6 months. His name was Mr. P-I-G. He ate so many carrots that his mouth was constantly orange. He would squeak whenever I got near his cage because he knew it meant food, but one day, I walked up to his cage and he wasnt squeaking...sad.

My last pet was a beta fish named C.F. Hunt. The C.F. stood for Cat due to Hope Mabry for that one!

The Future Mrs. Hess said...

i'm a dog girl too...zoe is the dog i have now, and she's such a wonderful pet! hey i really like your layout, where'd you find it?

Angel said...

Ok that was a sad way to put your Mr. Pig story Alison! Wow. Ok, I had lots of pets while growing up in Puerto Rico. They consisted mostly of chickens, bunnies, and ducks until I could prove that I could take care of them, then I got my first bull named Toby, he died too young, but I got a cow after him named Chama. Other than those when we came to the US I had a dalmatian named April cuz she was born on April 1st. Christina and I bought a chihuahua named Niko when we got married, then a Pom named Bebo for our wedding anniversary, both of which we still have; and we had two sugar gliders named Scary and Posh.