Wednesday, June 25, 2008

What Do You Recommend?

It's about time I get me a new cell phone! I have had mine for 2. 5 years, and for cell phones these days, that is pretty good! I had the iTunes's phone... no that is not an iPhone... it was the old school, one of the 1st MP3 player phones. I could hold about 100 songs on it and it had great speakers.

But sadly it is starting to act funny on me. It ghost rings... rings when no one is calling and won't stop until I take the battery all the way out. It randomly turns on and off.. yes on by itself. When I text, it is now showing up on other people's phones as a slide show, and they can't reply to it. And now it won't ring when someone IS calling, or vibrate for that matter.

So it's time to get a new one. I have ATT/Cingular so if you are familiar with their phones, what do you recommend?

I am leaning towards a red LG Shine. I love deep red phones, and that is a fun slide one. I think I might be getting an iPod Touch soon (hint hint, hubby... it comes free with a new MAC!) So I don't need a smart phone... just a cute, would like it to be easy to text with, little phone.

Give me suggestions!


portorikan said...

Just because you're getting an ipod touch, it doesn't put a smart phone out of the picture.

I would recommend a Blackberry. They come in different flavors and colors. The Pearl would be the smaller ones which are available in red. This combined with an ipod would be a good combo.

You might also want to look into an iphone. The price will be $199 with a 2 year contract. The ipod touch you would be getting would be an 8GB model, which happens to be the same size as the $199 iphone model, so why not consolidate devices? Carry less around.

Other than that, I'm not really sure. I know, I recommended smartphones, sorry. :)

Jason Albright said...

iPhone all the if's, and's, or but's. that's all I've got. I love mine, and it's worth more than every penny i've paid and will gladly continue to pay.

Angel said...

Option A: Dont get the Ipod touch and get an Iphone.

Option B: Get a blacberry and an Ipod touch (this is the route I took)

J. Matt said...