Thursday, February 28, 2008

Let Me Humor You

I know a lot of people have heard this story before, but I have had some requests to share it again, so this is my last time sharing it, until I write my book (ha!), of course. :)

The Infamous Glasses Story:

This story goes back to my elementary school days, the names have been changed to protect the innocent.

I had a major crush on a boy in my class, and I would do anything to get him to like me. We came back from summer break and he had a girlfriend...with glasses! Also at the time, the tv show Life Goes On (with Corky & Rebecca) was popular, and she wore these huge red glasses and I thought she was beautiful, so with all these influences on me, I HAD to get me some big red glasses!

One problem, I could see just fine and didn't need them. So what do I do? mischievous little me decided to convince my mom to take me to the eye doctor because "everything was blurry".

So she takes me to the doctor and I proceed to lie on every exam I was given, and I ended up with some ridiculously thick coke-bottle glasses- Red Rimmed, of course!

I head to school the next day confident that the boy I liked, we'll call him Bob, would fall head over heals for me with my new hot glasses! Unknown to me, the Doctor sent a note to my teacher saying I HAD to wear my glasses at all times cause my eyesight was so drastically bad so fast.

So my teacher calls me out to do our first assignment of the day, reading outloud. This is it! I thought, I can show off for Bob! I look down and realize I couldn't see a thing! So I peaked through the bottom crack of the glasses and make it...phew!

Next assignment...math problems on the board. This was my chance, I could strut my stuff in front of Bob (he sat 3 seats in front of me)! I volunteer for the 1st question and head up to the board...prancing my little self right on by Bob. Of course, I couldn't see anything in front of me because of the glasses and I had no idea, but Bob's backpack was sitting out right in the aisle! I proceed to go crashing down to the ground as I trip over it with my new glasses going flying by, and I get rug burn on my face!

So humiliated, I actually went home "sick" so I wouldn't have to face Bob the rest of the day. Now, I was in a pickle- how do get rid of these death-trap glasses??!! The doctor MADE me wear them! Slowly day by day for a few months I convinced my mom that my vision was being "corrected" by the glasses, some how that worked!

Fast forward about 10 years and my roommate, Kelly, and I are sitting in our dorm, freshman year, about to pee our pants laughing as I admit this story for the 1st time to anyone. Bob happened to be at FSU with us, and she was friends with him, and so she made me tell him the story! He remembered that day!!! A few days later I finally admitted my story to my parents too, and my mom still had the glasses at home!

Do you have a mischievous story to share?


Anonymous said...

I love my wife, she has the greatest stories ever. The best part is I'm pretty good friends with "Bob" right now. He's a great guy. I think you should reveal his identity. Anyways, my question is, would you have faked a eye exam for me?

Sabrina said...

Great story Amy! Do I sense a little jealousy in Ross' comment?

Alison said...

This has always been one of my favorite Amy stories!

Stephanie said...

This is definitely a classic and could sell a book by itself! However, hearing it in person is WAY better (though it does put one in danger of peeing their pants)!

Clayton and Kelly said...


Jeremy said...

I am going to find a way to work that into a sermon. I don't know how, but it will happen.

portorikan said...

Good stuff. :)

Allie, Dearest said...

When I was in 9th grade, I had a really big crush on a guy who had a twin brother. He was in my ceramics class and we were becoming friends but I felt like there was just something missing. We needed to have something that would bond us, that would make him see that what he had with me could be deeper than what he had with everyone else.

So I told him that I was born a twin. He was so amazed. I told him that she died when we were seven. I even brought in my class picture from 2nd grade, the year that she died. He admitted that we really did look identical.

But I didn't have a twin who died. The girl in my 2nd grade class was named Colleen something or other.

I still feel sick about that. What a terrible lie. What a terrible thing to lie about. All for a boy.


Anonymous said...

Seriously, you have laughing hard! The craziest things happen to you Amy! Wow!

Amy Middleton said...

thanks for sharing your story Allie, that sounds like something I would do!