Saturday, July 19, 2008

You Say It's Your Birthday... nah nah nah nah nah nah nah

Well, it's my birthday too, yeah! (that was way dorky, sorry!)

I had the pleasure of sleeping in today! Thank you to my mom coming to visit!! Anywho, I was just thinking about it, and I have acutally been pretty excited about my birthdays all my life (who doesn't love a day to celebrate life?!) I get excited about most people's birthdays for that matter. 

Here's my question though, when should I start not looking forward to them? My sis-in-law's birthday is a few days away, and I was in the card aisle and could hardly find a card that didn't crack a joke at hating getting older and being depressed. 

I love birthday's... I still love my birthday- is there something wrong with that? What age am I "supposed" to start hating them? This is my 27th and I'm happy! :) 


portorikan said...

Happy 27th birthday. Never start hating them. I say be proud and excited to have lived another year on this planet.

Motto: Be pale and proud and be old and proud.

Hope said...

I missed it!! Again!!!! Happy Birthday, friend. I'm super duper thankful for you. :)

Angel said...

You are a blessed woman, as long as God continues caring for you and showering your life with His blessings, I say you never not look forward to another year! Happy Birthday!

aprilbapryll said...

Happy birthday!