Thursday, June 05, 2008


Arize Live, Featuring Jon Owens is now available on iTunes! I HIGHLY recommend this CD! 

My husband played acoustic guitar on it, and co-wrote the song, Fire Burns (Arise). 

If you can do ANYTHING, please go download the song FIRE BURNS! It is worth it! You will love it! 

Also, please leave a comment about the Album on iTunes, and rate it... the more buzz it gets, the more iTunes will promote it! 

I absolutely love this CD, and can't get enough of it. Jon Owens is a close friend and the Worship Leader at our church in Tallahassee. It's great stuff. You will like it! Oh, and my sister-in-law, the rock star (Shelby) also sang on the album, leading God of the Ages and co-wrote Jesus, Jesus



portorikan said...

woo hoo!


J. Matt said...

I have paid 99 cents for the song.

J. Matt said...

portorikan said...

@j.matt that would be a good thing to Arise Live from.
