Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The M Word

Ok, here's the dealy-o. This blog is co-authored by my amazing husband and myself.

In response to my previous blog on the 6 F's (foundations for relationships), this subject stirred some controversy so I wanted to address it in full.

There are few people (especially pastors) willing to talk about The M Word, masturbation. But it's time to expose this sin to light. I know this may be a touchy subject to a lot of you, but I think it is one that is just not talked about because of the shame and perversion it consists of.

Just because the M word is not found in the Bible, doesn't mean it is not a sin. There are plenty of things that aren't specifically mentioned in the bible that are sin. So that logic just doesn't fly. I once heard that Sin is fulfilling a legitimate need, illegitimately. Masturbation is a form of trying to fulfill a sexual need in an illegitimate way. Just like any sin pattern, it can be broken. I know MANY men and women that have gotten free from that "habit". Just like they say about pot being the gateway drug to hard core drugs like cocaine, I think masturbation is the same in the sex world... it's the gateway to bigger and harder to break sexually immoral things.

I don't believe people can masturbate and not think about a person lustfully (Matt. 5:28). I think that the desire to masturbate comes from the desire to have sex, and if you aren't married, biblically you cannot have sex. So that makes it a battle in your mind. Jesus calls us to take our thoughts captive to the obedience of Christ, and masturbation acts on a fantasy in your mind, therefore the problem is in your mind, it is just the manifestation and fleshing out of what is going on inside your head. If you have a problem with anger or aggression, masturbating is not going to fix that, that is a deeper problem. If you use that logic with any type of sin, it just doesn't make sense. The only way to fix sinful problems is to repent and allow God to come in and change your heart and patterns in your life.

The reason people cannot stop masturbating is because they are in bondage to it... if it wasn't sinful you wouldn't be driven to do it. If you really think it isn't sin, I challenge you to not do it for a year, and see if you are able to. My bet... you won't be able to unless you repent and ask God to give you victory over it. Another sign it is a sin, it produces shame, guilt, and you are too embarrassed to talk to anyone about it.

So now you may be asking yourself, how do I get out of this vicious cycle?
The biggest ways to break this bondage in your life would be to confess the Word, find God's promises in the Bible that talk about taking thoughts captive and purity and speak them over yourself. Another way, Prayer- Pray that God would give you victory. See James 5:16, go to someone and confess that you have a problem and have them pray for you. Stay accountable. If you have a lust problem, or porn problem, get on your computer.

Let the comments begin...


J. Matt said...

I can't believe you guys are blogging about this. But what about the sin of Onan? That's from the Bible, isn't it?

Amy Middleton said...

haha, i know...but it's an important topic that never gets talked about. This is the fun stuff we get to deal with and gets talked all the time as college campus ministers :) Yes, Onan was from the Bible, in Genesis. People have used that scripture before when talking about the M word, but I don't think it was necessarily about that. I think the sin Onan did was disobeying God in not reproducing, not so much the "spilling" part.

TMI, huh!!! :)

Sabrina said...

Great post guys! Someone needed to say all that. I completely agree! I can just imagine how hard it was for you to write all that Amy! But sometime the hardest things to say are the most important! Keep the controversial posts coming! ;)

Anonymous said...

So true, so true. Jesus always draws the line in our hearts. Actions are n overflow. Whether or not you sleep around, or masturbate, or whatever your issue is, if your heart isn't pure, you are sinning and distancing yourself from God. The purity of someone's heart is the big issue.

Somehow I don't think it was hard for either of the Middletons to write about this topic. Way to take one of the biggest elephants in the Christian room and give him a swift kick in the... I mean way to call it out.

Anonymous said...

Thats hardcore. it is definitely something i needed to hear. thank you.

Kristin Sheffield said...

Great Post...not TMI. Rather that is much needed information. Many people do over justify M word. I love that you guys are not afraid to tell it like it is!

Can't wait till you guys are back in town!