Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Words of Wisdom

Now that I am getting up there in age (ha!), I thought I would share some truths that have influenced my life in powerful ways. As always, I invite and welcome feedback!

I first heard this from my former college campus pastor, Gabe. When it hit me right between the eyes and sunk into my heart, the way I thought about things, and reacted to things, and handled things changed forever. It is the concept of being Character Driven versus Emotion Driven. A concept that has been long lost in this generation. Here is what I mean:

Character Driven people: 
Do right, feel good
Are Commitment driven
Make Principle based decisions
Actions control Attitude
Believe then See
Create Momentum
Asks, what are my responsibilities?

Emotion Driven people:
Feel good, then do right
Are convenience driven
Make popular based decisions
Attitude controls actions
Have to See to Believe
Wait for Momentum
Asks, what are my rights

Which category do you fall under? Which do you wish you had more of? 


portorikan said...

I would like to think I fall under the first category, but sometimes it's good for others to let you know what they see.

Anonymous said...

That's so good-- I needed to hear that. In theory I am character driven.... but well, that doesn't always play out. :)