Sunday, March 02, 2008

There's No Place Like Home...

I love to travel, always have, and I hope to more in my life...but all I have to say is there is No Place Like Home! There is nothing like coming home and sleeping in your own bed. As nice as our bed was in our hotel at Campus Harvest (which was the best hotel bed ever!) I am so used to my comfy one at home, nothing compares!

There are so many places I have traveled to that I say I would like to live, but reality is that I love getting to go home. In all the places I have lived in the last few years (10 different places since 1999) it only takes a few weeks for me to feel at "home" and crave to be back at after traveling for a few days/weeks. Now having 2 kids, I feel that even more! Life just gets so hectic and there is an element of comfort knowing where everything is and what to expect (no 16 foot alligators a few feet away or lizards crawling on my head). That saying is true- "Home is where the heart is", as much as I love my family and feel at "home" when I am with them, they moved while I was in college so that since of "home" isn't there anymore and now I feel settled in Tally.

After being gone for about 2 weeks, I am just wanting a home cooked meal, and my own bed please! I think my 2 year old feels the same, he walked straight to his room and crawled in his big boy bed when he got home without me saying a word! haha.

How bout you? What is Home like for you?


Stephanie said...

For me, home is in your attic. :-)

Anonymous said...

I agree babe, Its nice to be at home and not sleeping in a twin bed by myself in a room that smells like poopy diapers

Anonymous said...

Hmm, home... I feel like a nomad sometimes. My family moved to the US in 1994, so they now live in Orlando. But theres nothing that does or will ever compare to Puerto Rico. I love my island. Although most of my family is there, my closest family (my parents) is in Orlando. So, I guess I'll say I have two homes. Home number one is up on the mountains, in the southwest side of one of the most beautiful islands of the caribbean. Where temperatures dont drop below 70's year round, and where everywhere you go there are beaches and beauty. Home #2 is the place for good old mom's cooking, relaxing, and home lovin'. I love them both.

Amy Middleton said...

ok Angel, can I visit your home???