Tuesday, March 04, 2008

What's in a Name?

How significant do you think your name is? As far as the meaning is concerned...I know a lot of people think it is just something to call yourself, others think it can be prophetic and bring some definition to who you are...so what is in a name?

Obviously in the Bible names are pretty significant, since the beginning God was changing names to bring definition and meaning to the person, like Abram into Abraham to prophetically speak that he was going to be the "father of many nations" and even Jesus changed people's names like Simon to Peter, meaning "the rock", because he was a foundation to the early Church.

Many people ask me why we named Aiden and Eli (Elijah) the names we chose. There is significance to their names, I believe. We had a very hard time picking names, because we wanted something that brought meaning and encouragement to their lives every time we said their names. We spent a lot of time in prayer for both of them. (Note: This is not to condemn anyone who named their child a name simply for the fact that they liked the name, this is just my story.) :)

Aiden means "Firey Spirit" and if any of you have met this child, you would agree that name fits! haha. It's so funny because when we picked that name, I had never heard of it before, just saw it in a baby name book, then later that year it happened to be the #1 baby name! (which I don't doubt is significant for this generation) But Ross and I believe that he is going to bring the Spirit of God with power and "fire" where ever he goes. I felt God confirm this name to me when we were singing "Fire Burns" a song on the Arize Live CD (shameless plug) one day.

Elijah was a prophet in the Bible and was a powerful man, amazing stories, and it is our prayer that Eli will be powerful in prayer like Elijah in the Bible and speak encouragement and life to people. But we really feel like Eli will be mighty for God. This name was confirmed one day when Ross went out to Kansas City to the IHOP and was getting prayed for from some pastors there, and they looked at him and said "you have an Elijah Spirit on you, and your boys will be like Elisha's in the Spirit". I was amazed when I heard this because that was right when we were contemplating his name. Elisha was Elijah's "disciple" kinda and did even greater things then he did, and that is our prayer for both our boys.

Anywho, I am sharing all this because I want to know what your name means, or what your children's names mean- do you feel significance in it?

by the way, Amy means "Beloved" and Ross means "pile of rocks"....hahahaha!


Alison said...

My first name means: Noble kind; of the noble sort. My middle name means: Clearing, meadow.

I don't know what that says about me though! lol

portorikan said...

Mine means Heard of God, Asked of GOD or heard by GOD.

I tend to go with heard by GOD.

I love my name as is and do not have a middle name. As Clayton can attest, while I don't mind being called Sam at all, if my full name is written out, I prefer it to be written out as Samuel Febres as oppossed to Sam Febres.

Yes, I do feel significance in it.


Anonymous said...

Hey Amy, I agree that names have meaning. My name means "set apart for Christ or Christian" which i think was significant, because out my immediate family, I am the only one serving God. They didn't pick my name with the meaning in mind, but I know it was God inspired. I am now trying to be intentional about my little one's name...let's hope we find out tomorrow so we can start giving "Baby Sheff" a strong identity even while it is still in the womb :)
Great Post!


Anonymous said...

Angel means "Holy Messanger". I agree one hundred percent that there is power and destiny in a name. When you say it you speak destiny over the person. I see the significance of my name because of the huge heart for missions that I have.

Stephanie said...

So, my first and middle name combine into: 'crowned one who is like God.' Hopefully that is significant in my life!

Working on it said...

My first name means Protector of Mankind. Which I think is appropriate because I feel like a warrior for God more than anything else. I get so fired up and ready to fight for my generation that I feel like a protector. Plus I had a vision of me standing the gap for my generation, and I was armed to the teeth! Sound the Battlecry!

Elizabeth said...

"consecrated to God"..... I like to believe so!

The Future Mrs. Hess said...

my first name, Caitlin, means "pure" and my middle name, Christiana, means "follower of Christ"...pretty cool! i like my name :-D