Friday, March 07, 2008

Tax Season, Schmax Season

I thank GOD that I have an intelligent husband. I have never been good at math (my brother got all the brains in that area). So the thought of doing taxes completely freaks me out. When I was a college student I did not even have a good record of writing checks...I probably bounced more checks than I could count on my hands. Therefore when I got married, Ross and I made a deal- he would handle the finances.

Praise the Lord I got married right out of college (God's timing is perfect). I give mad props to all those single chica's out there that handle it on their own, because I never could. As I sat and watched Ross do our taxes today I realized that if I had been doing them up to now, we would be in jail right now!

Who on earth came up with our tax system? Why does it have to be so confusing? I am all about the flat tax thing, just make it simple and equally scaled for everyone, please! There are so many loop holes and "secrets" it seems like you have to know to figure out this system, I don't how most American's do it; especially the ones you see on Jay Walking on the Tonight Show!!

So, this is my tribute to my genius husband, I love you, and thank you for taking care of me so I don't have to be a jail bird!


Anonymous said...

Thanks baby, I'm no Gabe Bouch in math, but I'm glad I do our finances also.

Natalie Jost said...

"As I sat and watched Ross do our taxes today I realized that if I had been doing them up to now, we would be in jail right now!"

Hey there... a friend of mine told me about your blog, and I'm glad she did... I'm right there with ya, sister! Although... we have gone back to me balancing the checkbook simply because if I don't do it, I just assume we have the money, which means yikes! This way I see how poor we are and spend a whole lot less.

portorikan said...

For me, I thank GOD for Turbo Tax and this year, for Natalie's dad who does accounting. Major props to him helping make sure we dont' screw anything up with the $1200 we owe this year.

Yes, tax paying/reporting sucks.

Amy Middleton said...

hmmm....that's a good theory Natalie. Glad you found the blog!

J. Matt said...

I did my taxes on January 3. I was so broke that I wanted that refund ASAP!!!

Jen said...

Wow...I agree! If it wasn't for my hubby, I'd be in jail too (or paying a CPA out the nose to do them for me!). Praise God for smart mathematical men! Don't get me wrong...I can calculate my CVS savings in a second, but taxes, ugh!