Saturday, March 15, 2008

Say Anything...

Remember the Say Anything column from the YM magazine back in your teenage days? Here is a story that is worthy of an entry.

This story takes place back in 2000 when I was a sophomore in college and just returned from a mission trip to Costa Rica. I was back at school from summer break and got sick...real sick. My tonsils were swelling so bad I couldn't breathe. I wasn't getting better no matter what antibiotics I was on. So I went to an ear, nose and throat specialist.

They decided to schedule a tonsillectomy asap. So I went back home to Clearwater and went under the knife. Had I mentioned yet that the specialist was pretty young and rather attractive. (this was before Ross and I started dating, of course) So they put me under...gave me some niiiiice anesthesia. Well, the did the surgery and the nurse went out to tell my parents that I was in recovery and told them the following.

"She must have been feeling real good from the medicine because she was hitting on the doctor pretty good!"

Oh I was mortified when my parents told me!!!! I had no idea what I was doing! So then I had to go to the follow up with the doctor a few days later! Oh it was embarrassing!

I show up to the follow up and the doctor doesn't mention anything about me hitting on him (PHEW!) but he did say this:

"We sent your tonsils to the lab because I have no idea what is wrong with you...I have never seen it before, but when I clamped them they literally exploded on me!" EWWWWW!!! I was even more embarrassed!

So we finally concluded I must have picked up some disgusting sickness when I was in Costa Rica and fell into a ditch of human waste (we'll save that story for another time)!


Anonymous said...

I know that doctor wasn't as good looking as me cause you hit on me all the time and you are not under any drugs. I can barely keep your hands off me.

portorikan said...

Wow! Now I'm intrigued by your story ending. Hopefully that will come soon.

So, did Ross get some type of disclaimer when ya'll got married?

Anonymous said...

Amy how do you not have a reality tv show?!?! Your stories are hilarious!

J. Matt said...

Good old Hachi-batchi disease. I have no idea how it is spelled, but YUCK!