Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Communications 101

I minored in Communications at FSU, almost majored in it but went another way, into International Affairs...both of which have nothing to do with this blog, but I was wondering:

How do you communicate best?

Do you prefer to Text message, IM, Phone-a-friend, email, blog, or talk face to face?

Obviously it is different for different circumstances, but I was just thinking about this recently because of some different stories I have heard and situations I have been in where I would choose one over another because it was less confrontational or whatnot.

For example, I know someone who was recently asked out by text message...on a DATE! What is that??? Are we getting to the point where we fear rejection so much that rather than doing the romantic thing and asking in person (which would probably result in a more favorable answer!) people are starting to shrink back even in this way! That is a shame!

I know for me personally, if Ross asked me out on our first date through a text message I would have just laughed and disregarded his anti-gutsy/ anti-risky move.

So for all you MEN out there...please take this as your fair not ask a woman out through any form but Face to Face (I'll give phone call, a fair shot too, even though its not preferable). Step it up Men! Be a Man! Get some Guts (I would like to use another male anatomy here, but I want to keep this rated G)! DO NOT ask through IM, Text, Facebook Messaging, etc! And WOMEN, Do not accept this embarrassing form of communication.

Aside from asking a person on a date, I know it is so easy to shrink back and confront someone through an email, or other means because there is more comfort there, and you don't have to face them/ the situation in person. But I challenge you (and myself) to make sure to communicate in person or at least on the phone...for several reasons, you read things way different than you hear things. You can see things on a person's face that speaks volumes and you can can pick up tones in voices way different verbally than through words typed out.

Don't take the easy way yourself some trouble and just go for the jugular in communication and do it right the first time. It will pay off in the end!


Anonymous said...

Good post baby, we're gonna turn some boys into men

The Future Mrs. Hess said...

AMEN. Dave went for it, i'll never forget it. girls want MEN not boys! :-D

Working on it said...

I totally agree with you Ams. I prefer to talk face to face or on the phone, depending on if face to face is improbable. oh, and thanks for the support!

portorikan said...

ooo, it's time to out somebody. Who did the texting let's go on a date? :)

I'm married so I'm past this I would guess, but in terms of general communications, I use whatever work easier/quicker more immediate.

I'll try to call someone, and if I can't reach them I'll send them a text message. I've learned/realized that people don't check Voicemails anymore, so it seems futile to leave them. after asking, did you get my message and hearing a no and having to explain myself again, I've decided Voicemails are pointless.

Text messaging and IM come in 2nd and 3rd to a phone call.

Alison said...

As a single female in her mid-twenties, I whole-heartedly agree that men should NEVER ask a woman on a date through text messaging, email or IM.

Have some guts and ask her out in person. If for some reason your circumstances do not allow for an in person invite, give her a call.

A voice is at least better than words on a screen. :o)

GREAT post, Amy!

Anonymous said...

Amen, Praise God and Hallelujah.

I had a guy ask me out via text and I told him that he needed to maybe grow...up. ;) haha!

Thanks for making the revelation plain. Hopefully the guys will run with it!

shelby said...


no seriously, good post. no texts. great inspiration sis, huh?

Kristin Sheffield said...

I think that is an awesome post!!! I agree that it was so special to me that my hubby asked me to date in person.

As far as how I communicate best, it is definitely in person. I love just sitting and chatting. Unfortunately though the culture of busyness that we live in today has caused me to text and email more than i used to. I prefer phone calls and face to face interaction much more.

Again Great Post!

portorikan said...

OH MAN!!! Wait til ya'll read this... looking for reactions...

Amy Middleton said...

yeah, Sam...that is just ridiculous! I do not consider that romantic...maybe in some far off land of hyper-tech people, somehow, but that is NOT the norm! haha. :) thanks for sharing!