Thursday, March 13, 2008

Fresh Nugs

You are probably wondering what Fresh Nugs are....the lady staff of ENCM here in Tally came up with this phrase for when you get a fresh revelation nugget from God.

I just got back from a few days in Panama City, visiting friends and the in-laws with the boys. It was so great and refreshing, I am blessed with some amazing in-laws. They gave me a few "hours off" of mothering so I could go to the beach and just spend time with was that needed!! I did the same thing a few months after Aiden was born, and it's such a great time to soak up some rays and some Jesus...both of which I was in desperate need of! Not that I haven't gotten to spend any time on my own with God since Eli was born, but this was a good chunk of undistracted, not worried how long I would be, time. mmmm I'm still feeling it now!

So the Fresh Nugs God gave me in this window of time was as I was sitting there watching a pelican fly around like crazy just having fun soaring in the wind barely skimming the water, then diving down to get some food. It reminded me of Matt. 6: 26: "Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?...33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." Shouldn't that be us... we should be doing our thing freely and fun, because God will provide what we need when we need it.

One of the things I have dealt with over the years is worry. I would say it is one of my life messages...overcoming worry. So I was perplexed of why God would put this passage on my heart...then I began looking at what surrounded it in context. Jesus is talking just before this worry passage about not serving both God and money, then after the worry he goes into talking about Judging Others, and finally about Asking, Seeking, and Knocking and it will be received, and doors will be open. It seemed to me that the Judging Others section didn't fit with the others that were all about God providing.

As I read the passage on Judging others (Matt. 7:1-6) it stuck out like it didn't fit...but then the fresh nugs hit...Don't Judge or you will be judged...take the speck out of your eye before dealing with the others plank...don't give to dogs or pigs what is sacred or pearls because they will just trample on it.

God will give the valuable to those who recognize the value.

We must first recognize the value then the valuable things will be given to you and then people will see the value in giving to you. This applies to SO many areas...your job, your finances, (financial partners in my case- since we raise our financial support to be in ministry full time), your relationships, people you are reaching out to...and the list goes on.

God will provide, it's his job, it's his nature. We must see the value in what God is doing in the circumstance and the value in that which we are believing for, not for just it's face value worth but for what it will create in you as well.


Alison said...

I like your fresh nugs...good thinking material...

J. Matt said...

I do not like "fresh nugs". To me this sounds like slang for buying recently harvested marijuana. Is this a joke that you guys are making? Because if it is not, it really really sounds like drug slang.

J. Matt said...

See the Urban Dictionary definition of "Nugs". Warning, this is a raunchy site.

Kristin Sheffield said...

That is strong Amy and totally speaks to my financial worry as my career here at FSU comes to a close when the baby comes. I struggle with worry as well and the throught of God doubling Casey's current level of income to meet all of our needs is overwhelming. It seems impossible, but with God all things are possible. I love what you said about the importance of seeing value, because that is so key. I know God is going to provide and will give me a great testimony. Thanks for the Nugs! :)