Wednesday, April 30, 2008

What Does Your Coffee Say About You?

I like coffee. It tastes good to me, and I love the smell of it. I was sitting in a coffee shop today just thinking about this very thing: what does the type of coffee I get, say about me? I ran across the following when I googled that, and thought it was rather accurate... So what about you?

Drinking coffee which is very hot, quickly:

This is a person who is always on the move, is fuelled by adrenaline, and who lives for the moment. They don't usually think things through before rushing in.

Leaving coffee to cool, before drinking it:

This coffee drinker refuses to be driven or pressurised, knows what they like, and is prepared to wait for it. They may be "fussy" in their tastes, but they don't make demands on others.

Drinking coffee with milk:

This person may want to weaken a strong coffee flavour and eliminate any bitterness. These are "social" coffee drinkers, who prefer to drink their coffee in the company of others, rather than by themselves.

Drinking coffee with sugar:

These individuals may be feeding a sweet tooth or fuelling a day's energy supply, but they tend to be comfortable with themselves and their lot in life.

Drinking coffee black:

These are forthright coffee drinkers, always on the go, and honest to the point of bluntness. They like a challenge and are fast thinkers as fast talkers - they are full of ideas, and may have a strong creative streak.

Personally, I wait for mine to cool, like it with tons of milk and sugar. And I would have to say, I'm comfortable with myself, I like to be social, and I do know what I like!

I also found this:

The Starbucks Oracle

I thought it was clever, but I do not endorse what it says, just was something fun to look at. You enter what you order from Starbucks and it tells you what you are like. Pretty funny.


Anonymous said...

Coffee is nasty. It smells like a big fart.

Amy Middleton said...

i KNEW you were going to say something like that! don't be a hater!

Anonymous said...

Ross, be nice.

Amy, soooo on point!! And the Oracle...on point but a little creepy. For real. :D

J. Matt said...

Well, here is what I do.

When I make my own coffee in a french press, I drink it black.

When I make my own espresso, I have it with steamed milk.

If I make my own drip coffee, I have it black if its from good beans, but with milk if it is cheap stuff.

When I buy coffee, I have it with milk.

When I buy espresso, I have it with boiling water (Americano), no milk.

I never have sugar in my coffee.

What does my complex coffee pattern say about me?

PS, I am going to go buy some coffee in a few minutes at Starbucks (with milk), but I just took a delivery of 5lbs of Cafe Mam Tango Blend (half french roast, half italian roast), most of which I will drink black. This stuff is the best coffee ever.

Anonymous said...

I was going to say... what does it mean if I don't like coffee?

PS. For THAT ^ guy... i think it means he might be a bit of a control freak... no?

Amy Middleton said...

haha!! I agree, Lauren! That is my older brother by the way... :) Matt, I say you are a complex fellow, so you like complex coffee ways.

portorikan said...

yeah, me and Ross are in the same boat. I don't like the coffee or Starbucks.

If I do have coffee, I like it cold, but not with ice. I believe it's called frapuccino (sp) or something like that. Coffee ice-cream is pretty good too, but regular drink coffee, not so much.

Angela said...

I drink coffee with lots of sugar and cream or milk. I don't like the bitter taste. I like hot drinks warm.

Raj Moman said...

Wow that was scary, I drink my coffee black most of the time and "on the go, and honest to the point of bluntness" sound a LOT like me. Creepy...

Angel said...

I drink coffee, too much I think b/c I have to have it daily. This is a cool post, b/c I drink it quickly while its hot but also with lots of sugar. 4 spoons of sugar at least. I think Christina would agree that those two descriptions fit me pretty well.

Erin said...

As a former Starbucks barista, I feel I need to comment on this post, even if it's a few days late. I love coffee and think any form of a mocha from starbucks is to die for. The more sugar the better. What I think that says about me - I should be concerned about becoming a diabetic. Love Starbucks Italian roast the best. But I always get it non-fat, no whip with extra foam, and recently I have had to go decaf.