Saturday, April 05, 2008

I Love Weddings

I am blogging from the road right now. I got to come to my hometown for one of my best friend's wedding this weekend. As I sat at the rehearsal last night I thought to myself, I love weddings. I thought I might be burned out for a while since this is the "Wedding Season" of my life (especially since I work with college students) but I realized it's pretty hard for me to get burned out of something like this.

Weddings are such great examples of the Kingdom of God. As even in the Bible Jesus is referred to as the Bridegroom, and we (the Church) are the Bride. I love the symbolism. I will never get sick of that! The joining of two people, two families, two lives...I love it! I'm sure most of you reading this know of the meaning behind different wedding traditions, so I'll spare you from my history lesson this week (that might come soon though).

I do want to point out how much I love it when the groom sees the bride come down the aisle the first time. His face is always priceless. And just imagine that is how Jesus sees us when we walk towards him! I love how even in the toughest of men, they usually have a tear! Just imagine what Jesus feels, what he is thinking, what he is going through when he sees that all he has sacrificed for was worth it in his beautiful bride. How rewarding is that!

...And then the party begins!

In the spirit of the celebration, I have this You Tube clip that I LOVE of the Best 1st wedding dance EVER! Just click below!


Elizabeth said...

That is TOTALLY the BEST 1st dance EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I laughed so hard!

The Future Mrs. Hess said...

i love weddings too! :-D and the whole imagery between Christ and the Church like the groom and the bride is the main message that'll be conveyed at our ceremony for sure. Ephesians 5 baby! :-D

portorikan said...

I never really enjoyed wedding until my friends started getting married. When I went as a kid, not fun.

Now, I'm happy for my friends getting married and excited for them. It's awesome.

Overall, still not a huge fan though. :)

I will say though that my wedding was awesome.