Saturday, May 03, 2008

Yeah, We're Related!

I just have to brag on my sister-in-law for a moment. She is coming out with a CD that I know each and every one of you would love! I know many of you loyal blog readers of mine (ha!) read my husband's blog too, but incase you don't here's a link to his recent blog sharing about Shelby, my sis-in-law, and her amazing music abilities. Click here for that: Ross' Blog.

If you want to see her site to hear a sample of her music, click here: Shelby's MySpace

But yeah, I am proud to say we are related... she's one amazing woman and I think she is on the brink of breakthrough in the music industry like she's always dreamed. I encourage you to go and check her out and when she makes it big you can say- I knew her before she was known! 

And I know many of you readers are music reps and big wigs that can sign her, so just make sure I get a shout out of royalties or something like that for introducing you to this star! 

Oh yeah, and my kids call her "Aunt Burnie" so I am putting my two cents in now to what I want her stage name or 1st album to be!


portorikan said...

"Ladies and gentlemen, performing her first single from her debut album, Aunt Burnie, here is Shelby Middleton."

Sabrina said...

Yeah for Shelby!!!