Wednesday, April 02, 2008

The Church of Oprah

If you haven't seen this video, check it out here. It's about Oprah and how she has a following of over 2 million people and preaches her own gospel...not The Gospel. My hubby had some comments on this, which you can check out here...but I wanted to give my two cents as well.

Oprah is a woman that has more power than any other woman on this earth. She's got the funds, she's got the outlet (tv), she's got the smarts, she seems to have "the life". And I enjoy watching her show from time to time, I admit...but there is one thing lacking- Jesus in her life.

It breaks my heart to know that she had grown up in church, yet as you can see from her testimony in the video had an experience that caused her to question God and in one clip, outright deny Christ. I think those moments are so crucial in anyone's life...the point you come where you hear something you aren't sure about and don't go to anyone to challenge those thoughts, but just simply go off your "gut feeling" about something and that is when it gets dangerous. She has now created a "gospel according to Oprah" and wants everyone to know about it. We need to pray for Oprah (and all influential leaders, that is)!

It breaks my heart to see someone with her means out-giving Christians in this world. I know you've seen or heard of "Oprah's Big Give"....why in the world haven't WE come up with something like that...we should be the BIGGEST GIVERS on the planet because we have an eternal bank to give from! Besides the fact that Jesus makes it clear in the Bible that it's our duty to take care of those who are in need!

Where are we, Christian's??? Why haven't we stepped it up? Why haven't we been faithful to disciple people, and help them through the "decision times" in people's's our job to make sure the Gospel is clearly taught and to fight in Prayer for people, especially leaders. (it's up to them what they will do with it, but we need to be ahead of the game here folks!)

I am so challenged as I saw that video and as I think of how people like Oprah live their lives. We need to stand up and represent Christ right, with power and with generous ways that make people believe in what we live! We need to be accurate of how we share who Christ is, and we need to be cautious of what we are feeding ourselves (through tv, books, etc) and make sure they are lining up with what Jesus teaches.

What are your thoughts?


Anonymous said...

yeah, that video is ridiculous. Wow! Thanks for sharing.

J. Matt said...

In the TV show Futurama, one of the religions of the future is "Oprahism".