Thursday, April 10, 2008

Movie Review

Last night my hottie husband took me out on a date (shout out to Liz for taking care of the kiddies!). I finally got to see the movie Juno! I've been wanting to see this movie since I first heard about it. It was at the $1.75 theater (which is the nicest cheap movie theater I've ever been to). 

When I first heard about this movie, I was like "oh no, that looks like a movie that will make being a pregnant teenager cool." Then my sis-in-law saw it and said it was nothing like that, so then I really wanted to see it.

I'm not usually into the Indy-type films...and this had that sort of feel, but the humor was so great (Juno has such a sarcastic, quick wit). There were so many good parts of the movie I don't even know where to start in reviewing it.

The best part was that is is totally a drastically "REAL" movie. Some parts made me mad, but then when I thought about it I realized how that is how life is. 

It's a movie about a 16 yr. old girl who gets pregnant. Her first reaction is to get an abortion. The way she portrayed her thought process was so real to life. "Let's nip this in the bud, let's 'take care of it' before it gets to be a problem." But as she finds herself sitting in the abortion clinic it dawns on her that this is a baby, it has fingernails! So she decides to go the adoption route.

I hope and pray that as teens and people see this movie it will change mindsets about teen-sex (it's not something to do just because you are bored), about adoption being a real alternative to abortion, and how if you decide to be sexually active, you are deciding to live with the consequences of that (you can't just erase it and go on with life). 

I think the movie did a great job of showing how when she decided to stay pregnant, it obviously changed her life and effected her day to day life...but she was able to give the baby to someone who really wanted and needed it. Sure her life was changed forever, but she was able to get back to school, and the life she wanted. 

There are so many messages you can take from the movie, if you haven't seen it, I encourage you to- it will make you think. Here is my fair warning though, there is cussing and they don't show anything, but you know what they are going to "do" scenes.  If you have seen it, what was your take?


J. Matt said...

"effect" and "affect" are not the same word.

portorikan said...

I saw it and loved it. Thought it was great movie.

The soundtrack definitely helped the feel of the movie as well. Jason Bateman did a great job of being the cool guy to creepy dude (loving what he's been doing recently) and all around A+.

Now that I know it's at the cheap theatre, I might have to make a run out there and check it out again. It's also coming out on DVD next week.

Raj Moman said...

When I saw the commercials it looked really dumb. But your review makes me want to see it. Especially that whole abortion to adoption message.

Angel said...

I actually just saw this movie on my flight to the Dominican Republic. I like the emphasis that the movie makes on adoption as an alternative to abortion. I like that the movie is "real" as you said. She did a great job as the main actress. I think they could have touched more on the difficulties of pregnancy at such an early age so that teenagers dont think its "that easy" or that its not a big deal.

aprilbapryll said...

I adored that movie -- the soundtrack is great too :) Sometimes a little too indy-pretentious but good fun.

Ellen Page is in another movie, Smart People, and I want to see it too even though it has Sarah Jessica Parker in it and she's so stiff in movies (I don't see her tv stuff so I can't wax analytical about that). Her part in that movie was reviewed as "the young Republican counterpart to her Juno role". Plus, Thomas Haden Church is in it and he's hilarious.

Anonymous said...

I thought it was great and Ellen Page is a brilliant actress. It was an MTV film also, if I'm not mistaken, so it was able to show many many young girls and guys that there was an alternative. I loved how Jennifer Garners character was so passionate about children and so thankful for the opportunity to adopt the child. Maybe people will see how wonderful adoption is, how it's a gift and can bless people.

Kristin Sheffield said...

I have been wanting to see this movie...thanks for the review. Now I will definitely see it :)

portorikan said...

Kristen, it's a good one. Nat hasn't seen it either. I'm debating whether or not seeing it at the cheap theatre or just renting it and watching at home.