Wednesday, February 06, 2008

A case of Deja Vu

Is that how you spell it? Well, Deja Vu has been something I have contemplated for years now. I used to have it A LOT back in college and I'm starting to notice it again. What in the world causes Deja Vu??? Here is my theory- and feel free to contest it and tell me your thoughts!

I think Deja Vu is God's way of revealing and confirming you are right smack dab in the middle of His perfect will at that exact time. It doesn't happen only in the good moments, it happens to me when things are good and peaceful, and also when something is crazy or even scary.

I don't really have any biblical basis to back that up with but I have no other explanation. But in the Bible I do know that God is omniscient, and that he has a plan for everything and every person, and in Psalms and Proverbs it always talks about a "path" you have a choice of being on. In Isaiah 46:10-11 (NCV) it says "From the beginning I told you what would happen in the end. A long time ago I told you things that have not yet happened. When I plan something, it happens. What I want to do I will do. I will make what I have said come true; I will do what I have planned."

So whether or not you agree with my theory you can have confidence that God has a plan and His plan will prevail. This gives me a peace and trust in a good God, no matter what the circumstance. I think Deja Vu is cool.


J. Matt said...

I think deja vu is the matrix resetting itself after the robots change something. Thats what it said in the movie....

Anonymous said...

Ha ha to your funny brother, but I say I'd agree with you over him. : )