I was a freshman at FSU and living the "typical" college life. I joined a sorority, lived in a dorm, was really trying to control & live my own life. I had just gotten back from a fraternity formal weekend in Destin, FL, where some sketchy things happened and that was fresh off of a trip with some sorority sisters to Orlando the weekend before, where one of them OD'd and ended up in the hospital- just after we both had taken the same things at the same time. It was all catching up to me. Reality was hitting me that I was not in control. In fact, I was losing control pretty fast.
My roommate, Kelly, (hind sight was completely placed in my life by God) and her boyfriend at the time (now hubby) kept inviting me out to their campus ministry. I blew them off every time for a party or sorority function. But this week something was different. Just coming off some crazy weekends, with reality hitting me of what could happen with my life out of control. I gave in and figured it couldn't hurt to go with them this one time (I grew up in church and youth group and all, couldn't be that different, right?!).
We walked to the student union, entered one of the ballrooms and there was a band playing. Sterling Brown was leading that band, and Pastor Chip Buhleur was getting ready to preach. The music had begun, and there were only a few seats open, so we had to sit right in the front row. As Sterling started singing the lyrics, he made eye contact with me, I felt like he looked right into my soul and could see all the junk I was hiding.
I fell to my knees and started BALLING. Like the not pretty kind of crying. No one had even preached a word. God spoke to me in that moment like I had never heard before. He wanted me. I think I was embarrassing Clayton because he immediately ran to get the campus minister's wife (Jen!). She took (dragged) me outside along with her baby (Clara) who was only like 4 months old.
That night I changed. I have never been the same. I am dramatic in nature, and it seems like my180 was just as dramatic. November 17, 1999 was the night I completely surrendered my life to Christ. It has been the most AMAZING 10 years of my life since then. It is so hard to believe from one little moment like that the course of my destiny was changed. I am so completely grateful for Jesus getting a hold of me, and also for friends who didn't stop trying. I am just in awe of all that God has done in my life since then, just for being willing to lay it all down to Him. It is all about Jesus.... but I must also say thank you to all my great friends (and my hubby!) that constantly keep me encouraged, accountable, and in the game.
So as tomorrow comes. I will celebrate! 10 years of being a daughter of The King!
Wow Amy! What a testimony! Even though it wasn't Campus Crusade, still brought back tons of FSU memories for me and Dustin as we read that. So amazing! Congrats on 10 wonderful years. See you tomorrow at MOPS.
I love you and am so excited to celebrate the past 10 years with you! My life would not be the same without you! Thank you God for an amazing best friend :)
happy 10th birthday! :) what a great celebration. 1999 was the year i got right too. i just realized a few weeks ago that this year marks the 10 year for me too. Though i don't really have a specific date like you do do mark the moment (and what a great one that is!), it's incredible to know i've been walking with God for 10 years too.
if i were with you right now i would insist that we cheers our coffee mugs! :) LOVE YOU!!!!
Thanks Kelly, I owe you one:) SO GLAD you surrendered your life to Christ also. Love you babe. Its an honor for me to do life with you!
that's so awesome Amy! happy 10 years. I'm so thankful too. cuz you may have not been in my life otherwise and I wouldn't be who I am today without you :) you're one of the top people who've made a huge impact on me. like top 5!! :D love you Amy!!
no wonder. Powerful lady = powerful testimony lol :) I had an awesome talk with u! Can't believe the boys r growin >.< it's as if they grow to prove i'm gettin older. Thanks aiden n eli! lol well, I'm excited, happy, n blessed to hear ur testimony n to even know u not as some mere acquaintance, but as a spiritual authority figure/leader, woman model, and friend :)
Thanks guys! :)
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