Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Oh, How Life is Different Now

I was just contemplating this morning how life looks so different for me recently. It's so funny how perspectives change and priorities and even time schedules once kids arrive in your life.

Aside from how much my life drastically changed once God radically changed my life my freshman year of college (which I will share in an upcoming post), having kids has brought even more change.

Gone are the days of sleeping in, period. I used to be able, on weekends, to go until noon if I wanted... I am lucky to make it to 7:45am these days! And even if my hubby wakes with the kids, my body is so used to getting up early I can't sleep past 8:30am any more. I know this hardly compares to some people and their jobs waking them at 4:30 or 5am (mom!), but I also don't have a job that lets me go to sleep by 9pm... it's usually closer to midnight if I'm lucky.

Gone are the days of eating out (at all, let alone every once in a while). It's just too much hassle, and gets more and more expensive feeding more mouths, esp. when my 2 yr old can eat more than me.

Gone are the days of going out late, or hanging out at a friends house past 8pm. Bedtime for the boys is 7:30 or 8pm, so now we gotta get home by 7 to do the bedtime routine!

Gone are the days of getting a "day off". Sure, I get a sabbath.... but do I really? I still have to cook, clean, feed people, and discipline them, teach them, entertain them, so what is a sabbath, really, for parents?

Gone are the days of quick road trips (or long ones for that matter). This was a hard one to get used to once having kids... I love travelling...but now that it requires the circus coming to town, it's quickly dropping on my priority list.

The list can go on... but DO NOT feel sorry for me for one second (as if you did, ha!) because...

Here are the days of hugs, kisses, unconditional love, laughter, fun, growing, character building, watching in amazement, wonder and awe of God's gifts of kids. Here are the days of cuddling, fixing boo boos, smiles, milestones, potty parties, using imagination, being silly, and pool days, and so much more. :)

I am blessed!

oh- and a litte booty camp updated: Aiden actually poopied in the potty last night!!! I think it started out as an accident (he was trying to pee), but once it happened, he kept going! He got a phone call from his favorite TowMater, and was so excited I think there is a good chance it can happen today! YAY!


Kristin Sheffield said...

Great post Amy! YAY for Aiden too!

Anonymous said...

Its amazing how all the sacrifices are so worth it. In fact, they're not even close.

Stephanie said...

I loved this post! Your perspective on being a mom is priceless- you have the ability to recognize the way kids limit you, but you also recognize what a huge blessing they are. It makes you a fantastic mommy who can just be there in each moment and love those adorable kiddos of yours! You inspire me to keep that perspective for when I have my own kids! Thanks for being you!

portorikan said...

I love eating out...

Kids are gonna be awesome though.