Thursday, July 03, 2008

Booty Camp!

I finally sucked it up and did it. I attempted the Potty Training in Less than a Day method of Potty Training for my 2. 5 year old! Crazy huh!

Currently we are only 3 days out from the initial day- and so far so good! I will keep you updated as we go, if I recommend this style or not. So far I am happy with it though, and it will so turn out to be worth it if it lasts!

So what does potty training in less than a day look like? Here are some pictures (they are at the end of the album).

I'll break it down for you:

It all started months ago. I got a little potty with a seat that can transfer to the big toilet. Every day before nap time I would sit Aiden on it and ask if he needs to go potty. He never did it, but the goal was just to get him used to it and excited about it. A few weeks ago I made a Potty Training Chart (thanks for tips Emily!). It's a curvy road that he fills with stickers, small ones for going #1, big ones for #2.  curve in the road he gets a reward, and at the finish line he gets to go to the store and pick out a prize. I also got it in his head that he would get M & Ms if he actually went. 

So Monday night was time to prepare for Tuesday- D-Day for Potty Training Boot Camp (Booty Camp as I call it). You may think I'm crazy but I prepared for LOCKING myself and Aiden in our bathroom ALL day. We literally sat in the tiny room for 8.5 hours straight, without opening the door. We packed our lunches, snacks, tons of juice, an alarm clock, books, games, shower paints, and toys and big boy underwear. I brought in a DVD player, and some shoes to motivate him. If he went #2 I was going to give him a few minutes of his favorite TV show, or a chance to run outside. I called some family and friends and had them on stand by for the next day to receive a phone call from Aiden telling of his success and some of them agreed to be his favorite characters. 

Tuesday morning came. We ate a normal breakfast and talked about spending the day in the bathroom. He seemed pretty excited. Ross agreed to take care of Eli all day and pretend they weren't even home so Aiden would get distracted or want to go out. We went in the bathroom and the eating and drinking began. This kid threw down the food and juice boxes! 

I set the alarm, every 10 mintues we would sit on the potty and try to go. The idea was go get him used to it and muscle memory on what it feels like. I would encourage him every time for trying. Finally about 2 hours into it, 3 juice boxes and 1/2 a water bottle later, I knew he had to pee! He started to do the dance. We sat on the toilet and he dribbled his first few drops. His reaction was hilarious! He was just amazed at watching it come out! LOL- sorry if that is TMI. So we flushed it, washed our hands and got M & Ms and a sticker. THEN we called his favorite- "Diego & Baby Jaguar" (from Nick Jr.) Ross did his best impression with a spanish accent and Aiden was hooked! As soon as he got off the phone he yelled "I gotta PEE!" He sat down and it was like a FLOOD. He even started laughing half way through cause it lasted so long! He was so excited... this time he got everything plus a call from "Mickey Mouse" (my mom). Ha! 

He did great through out the day- got calls from Blue & Joe (Blue's Clues) and Daddy, the grand parents and Aunt Shelby & Friends. I kept waiting for him to go #2, kept reminding him we could go outside, but he just held it in. I waited and waited, even missed his nap because of it (And I was so looking forward to that break). I was amazed at his attitude the whole time, he's an active little guy so I never thought he'd last cooped up in there! 

5:30pm rolled around and we both just about had it. He hadn't made any messes ALL day, peed 7 times perfectly so I decided we could go out and see the rest of the fam. He was so proud of himself! I was origionally planning on staying in there through dinner if I had to so make sure he got it, but he did so great with #1, I was satisfied. 

So what has happened since? He's had 2 messes... right when he woke up the next day. I feared he may have lost all that hard work. But I think after he realized what happens when he goes through underwear, that it doesn't just soak in (and he has to help clean it), he decided to tell us when he had to go from then on. We still set the alarm... we have moved up slowly to 20 minutes between, even though he tells us every time now. And he still has yet to go #2 in the potty, but I just heard a new trick for that, I will try later. 

We have him wearing underwear all day, but at naptime and bedtime he wears pull ups (he calls them naptime underwear) just until we are sure he's got it. That is where he has pooped the last 2 days. So I would have to say so far, so good! Booty Camp is a success! 

Next thing to tackle: going #2 in the potty. The tip I got was to give him a lollipop to go #2. He will only get it when he sits there and tries to poop. Hopefully it will keep him patient enough and relaxed enough to actually go. We are also bribing him with a phone call to TowMater (from CARS, Ross w/ a redneck voice- he's excited about that one!) I'll let you know! 

I just can't believe he is old enough now for this! That makes me sad! :) I'm one proud mama though! 


Anonymous said...

I can't wait for Mr. Poopy to arrive. I grew up in Panama City, FL. I feel like I was born to play the role of Tow Mater.

portorikan said...

@Ross - It's your DESTINY!!!

Seriously though. Wow! That was amazing. Truly amazing. I'm gonna have to stumble that little story there.

Way to go Amy. If you need a Spanish accent again, call Angel 'Juni' Rios. He doesn't even have to try.

portorikan said...

following comments

emily said...

oh amy! you know i am SO PROUD OF your big boy!!! and YOU! good job!!!! i LOVE your idea of getting phone calls from famous characters in his life!! what a great idea! i will have to remember that one for caroline.

just keep up the good work!!!

Elizabeth said...

I just recently learned from my own potty training adventures that kids, especially little boys, will freak out if you flush their #2 in front of them. Joe freaks everytime, and with past experiences I have had kids cry! The feel like you are flushing away a part of them.... it's weird, but whatever. I just wait until they leave the bathroom and then flush!

Hope said...

awww, that's so great!! sounds like he's gonna be fairly easy to train. after potty training alanna, i think i'd rather give birth than potty train. it is so incredibly frustrating. our issue is that she won't tell us when she needs to go. ever. she peed on adam a few minutes ago and then went into the bathroom and peed on the floor. lovely.

Flo said...

Amy, you are my potty training hero! Is there enough room in that bathroom for me and TJ to learn when it's Eli's turn?

Angel said...

This is awesome! I would love to hear Ross' spanish accent.

@portorikan Punk!