Thursday, July 17, 2008

Unreal Real News.

Got this info from I didn't believe it until I saw it. S & M Barbie called Black Canary will be on sale for a kid near you starting in September! WHAT!!!???

Seriously, what is Mattel thinking??? How do they tell themselves this is an ok toy for a kid? How do they reason that a sexually suggestive doll is good for a toddler or anyone for any age at that matter.

Ridiculous is what it is. Ridiculous.


Kelly Bell said...

I KNOW!! I saw the same thing and my mouth was hanging open in disbelief. It's so sad to think some kids might have that doll one day.

Anonymous said...

I am so not ok with this!

It's bad enough that little girls want to look like regular Barbie (all skinny and fake) but to have little girls wanting to be like S&M Barbie when they grow up?

Disturbing on a whole other level.

Anonymous said...

I saw it as well, and was equally disturbed.

portorikan said...

Technically, calling it S&M Barbie is incorrect/wrong. It's Black Canary and based on a comic book character.

I think Fox News and the Sun are just doing poor reporting and being sensationalistic, which is obviously effective.

Also, sadly, there are some adults that actually collect these dolls.

Amy Middleton said...

I know it's off a superhero, but it is still dressed with those connotations... and they say Black Canary uses her "sex appeal" as a weapon to fight.... that just teaches children the total wrong message.

portorikan said...

Most female Super-Heroes are probably a little over the top when it comes to their looks. Pick up any comic book and you'll see what I mean. Compared to other characters, she actually seems toned down, based on the drawings on the wiki page.

Hopefully parents will vote with their dollars if they don't approve.

J. Matt said...

I think there is no explicit sexuality in this doll. It is a doll wearing leather and fishnets. All kids of people wear leather. Little girls in jazz dance class wear fishnet stockings. No little child picking up this doll is going to be thinking about sex. They are going to be thinking, wow this barbie looks tough or cool or something. The only sexual connotation of this doll is the one put there by your OWN MIND. (Or the minds of the writers at Fox News. Seriously, you shouldn't watch that network. They are just a Rupert Murdoch Tabloid masquerading as cable news)

Amy Middleton said...

All I gotta say is that in the very definition, as stated before, on wikipedia, Black Canary uses sexual appeal as a weapon, along with martial arts. That is where i have the problem. Sure kids may think innocently, but that still sends a message... that you use sex/ sexual images/ whatever it may be as a weapon. I don't think fishnet stockings or leather by themselves is the problem, the way it is portrayed on this doll and the who this superhero is, is my problem.

But hey, you are entitled to your opinion, as am I... and that is the way I see it... and I enjoy many different news stations... that is just the one that I found this article on, don't hate. :)

Amy Middleton said...

Comic book characters are a whole other story... that is not the topic here, the fact that Barbie is marketed to little girls, and they are using a character like this, is my point. Ok, i'll stop commenting now. :)

Anonymous said...

You people can say whatever you want, that Barbie looks like a freakin hooker and thats jacked up that they would sell that to little girls. Talk about lack of corporate responsibility, they are only in it for the dollar. I hope its the biggest bust of a product they've ever had and I hope they're company loses millions of dollars because of it. Thats ridiculous. If it was Saturday there would be a major Smackdown on my blog. It might happen anyway, cause it makes me so mad.

Anonymous said...

wow. I guess there really was too much pressure from the Bratz Dollz... Barbie had to step up her game!! (eew)