Monday, February 09, 2009

Wrapping up #2

I know this is probably one of the strangest (not to mention grossest) blog title yet.... but I couldn't leave what few faithful blog readers I have, without resolve to Aiden's pooping adventures. :)

We have SUCCESS! Unfortunately I can't tell you any secrets to how we got Aiden to finally do #2 in the potty every time, apart from it being a miracle from Jesus. haha.

On his 3rd bday he voluntarily went, but then we went a couple weeks until he did it again. I stayed consistent (which is so key!) to talk to him about going on the potty and making him try before naptime and bedtime. He still wouldn't go again.

Warning: the story below is kind of gross-
That all changed when our family came down with a stomach bug. Aiden got it the worst, and to my amazement, Eli has an immune system of steele and never got it! But over Christmas, Ross, myself and Aiden had about 2 weeks of off and on stomach issues (i'll spare you the details, but yes, both ends).

We were down at my parent's house and Aiden got #3 (the runs, sorry!) he was going like every 10 min. and obviously that would get his skin pretty irritated from the diaper so my mom (Thanks Marmee!) offered to him to go on the potty to help his bum bum not be so sore. He acutally took the bait and did it! So after going like this for like 24 hrs he got it down (repetition is key)!!

We celebrated big time and he kept it up even until now! So my advice to all you parents who are trying to potty train, or will be one day- use the stomach bug in your favor! haha. I laugh now that maybe that is why God gave us all the stomach bug over Christmas, to get Aiden #2 potty trianed!!

So hopefully this will be my final post on anything potty training. But you never know with 2 boys, there will probably be some funny stories to come.


Angela said...

That's great, I'm so glad he finally did it! My son turned two in Oct. and will poop on the potty but only pee peed once. So it's the opposite for me. I'm going to wait a little before we try again. He isn't interested anymore, but still will poop if I catch him trying to.
And poop stories don't gross me out. My daughter poops in a bag. :-) We talk about poop a lot, since she's been born.

Jaime said...

Yay for Aiden! I'm sorry about the stomach bug - that is the worst.

Anonymous said...

OMG, that story is sad and hilarious at the same time!

Sabrina said...

Yeah for success!! The Lord definitely works in mysterious ways! :) And I'm sure you will have more funny stories when it's time to potty train Eli!

J. Matt said...

I was definitely sick of the potty after my experience with that stomach bug. A diaper would have been nice. I could have gotten some sleep!

portorikan said...

yay for Aiden.

He seems pretty comfortable with this bathroom thing now. Last I heard, he was out peeing in the park or something. :)

bella chung said...

lol.. poor kiddo.. but glad he finally did it! yay aiden..