Thursday, August 28, 2008

Suggestions Please!

I got an iTunes gift card for my birthday over a month ago from some great friends and just can't figure out what is worth using it for. I have gotten so out of the loop music wise since I have a toddler now and we mainly listen to VeggieTales and Bible songs on CD.

What songs are on your top 10 right now?  What is a must download? I like all types of music... except twangy country. :)


Eddie Taylor said...
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Eddie Taylor said...

Currently my favorite song is "You Won't Relent" by IHOP on the One Thing Live CD. Here's a link to the ITUNES Site:

portorikan said...

I would recommend any of the artist on the far right side of my side-bar under the Check Out! heading. All good and clicking on that button will take you to their itunes album.

I would also recommend Eisley's Combinations as well (I need to add them to the sidebar), the soundtrack for Once, or the new David Crowder live CD.

portorikan said...

Oh, btw, the blog is

Let me know if you like anything listed.

Anonymous said...

We mostly listen to Christian music, but recently we stumbled across a South Florida band called Boyce Avenue...very talented guys. They have a CD of original music that we haven't heard yet, but we really love their covers. Mainstream music redone in acoustic styles. They have a Myspace page and all of their stuff is on iTunes. Enjoy your giftcard!

J. Matt said...

I know this band called "Arcade Fire." They are pretty much my fav right now. You should listen to them!

My three favorite song off their album "funeral" are "Neighborhood #1" (tunnels), "Rebellion (lies)" and "Haiti".

You should give them a chance.

Sabrina said...

We had this dilemma too...we had our gift card for a year! We finally spent most of it right before our trip out here to Hawaii! We downloaded the new Jason Mraz cd and that's all I have listened to the entire trip! LOVE IT! Also, we downloaded a John Mayer live cd, which is great and the Shane & Shane cd (called Pages, I think) is amazing! Hope some of those suggestions help! :) Thinking of you while basking in the beautiful Hawaiian sun! Love ya!

Anonymous said...

The album I just bought is called "The Anti-Mother" by the band Norma Jean. I don't know if you're into Christian metal, but I liked it...

Anonymous said...

Phil Wickham is one of my current fav's. If you haven't heard Corrine Bailey Rae, she's very talented. Brooke Fraser is amazing, some of her solo albums are on iTunes. Have fun! :-)

Anonymous said...

oh oh oh, suftjan stevens is really good. :) different. creative. AND he's a christian. :)