So many times we go on a retreat, or to a conference, or just have an amazing quiet time. And the experience with God may get you pumped up for a few days, or weeks even... but how can we become more consistent? How can we "keep the candle burning" as Wilson Philips sings? (yes I did just reference Wilson Philips!)
I have a few thoughts.
Meet God on the Mountain Top, every day! Sure you "met" Him during that experience at a conference, etc... but we need to continue to go meet with him. SPEND TIME WITH GOD CONSISTENTLY! (I am preaching to myself here too). Yeah it's hard work. Mountains are steep, hard to walk and take time and energy. But it's always worth it, isn't it? I'm using it as an analogy here if you didn't get it. Think of every day taking the time to go up on that "mountian" with God. Seek him in your room, or wherever you do it... and know going into it that it's not always going to come easy, so pace yourself (meaning, add it into your daily schedule).
Get Accountable. I don't know about you, but if I don't have someone asking me the tough questions, or checking my blind spots... it's not gonna happen. We all need a wing-man (or wing-woman). We need someone with an outside perspective that can show you your weakness, and can encourage you to overcome it. If your weakness is consistent time with God... make them hold you to it, and vice versa. Make a commitment to yourself and/or with another person to not turn the TV on or Computer on until you have spent your time with God.
Push Through. You may not feel that tingly sensation EVERY time you sit down and read the Word or pray or worship God. But don't give up! Matthew 11:12 From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful men lay hold of it. That means we have to fight for this relationship with God. We are not always going to feel like it, we are not always going to want to put in the effort to make it to the top of that mountain. But we have to meet with Him if we want Him to meet with us. We have to be forceful and approach His throne with confidence. Just like you have to fight to keep up your friendships, you gotta fight for this one even more.
When was your last Mountain Top Experience? Any advice to keep the candle burning?
2 comments: gotta hold on for one more day, and break free, break from the chains...haha. I love our Wilson Phillips moments!
I find that certain smells bring me back to those moments. For example, I am in Providence Rhode Island right now, working in a lab at Brown University. The hand soap in the lab smells just like the hand soap they used in the library bathrooms at Friday Harbor Labs in Washington back in 2001. That was a formative experience for me, and I am reminded of it each time I was my hands. (about 20 times a day).
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