Tuesday, December 08, 2009

I Met a MilkMan!

I don't know why this is so funny to me, but I actually met a milkman the other day! I honestly didn't know they still existed! I was babysitting for a friend in a beautiful old restored row house in DC and someone rang the door bell. When I opened the door I literally felt like I stepped back in time to 1950!

The Milkman looked exactly like this dude pictured to the left! The bottles were exactly the same, and his truck was old school! It was quite the experience! The friend I was babysitting for gets her milk, eggs and cream delivered by this dude like once a week! He just drops it off on her doorstep wether she's there or not.

So there you have it, if you ever need one, they're still out there!


snowhite197 said...

My grandpa was a milkman. He was still delivering milk when I was in high school. He mostly delivered to schools and restaurants though. I remember when I as little we'd always have the little single servings of ice cream that came with a wooden spoon- one of the perks of being a milkman! :)

bella chung said...


Unknown said...

freaking awesome. im telling tanner i want one.

Anonymous said...

This is so funny! I didn't know they existed either! How neat. Now, if he only delivered organic meat! hahahaha