Monday, March 09, 2009

A Green Favorite!

I've always loved Publix, and I know there are many of you out there that share my admiration for that great place, where shopping is a pleasure. Hey, even my 3 yr old asks to go there every time we pass by! (not to mention he gets a free cookie from the bakery)

I haven't bought into the whole going green thing to the extreme in all areas of my life, but I'm not all against it, I just use wisdom and try to conserve where I can. It seems like getting those reusable bags at shopping places is all the rage lately, and frankly I was annoyed by it at first... just seemed like another "thing" to buy, that they were plugging to get you to spend more $$, so I wasn't going to give in.

Until.... I got a free Publix reusable shopping bag. I think they converted me! I love it! It is WAY better, stronger, larger, and quality, than paper or plastic. I will now proudly bring my bag into the store, and to other places- it's super convenient and practical (and useful on car trips!). So I encourage you... get a reusable bag and go Green! And hey, it just might turn out good for the environment. :)


emily said...

i love these bags too! i also use them car trips and a million other ways. they surprisingly even helped me transport 8 nice dinner goblets (wrapped in towels) over the christmas holidays. nothing broken or even clanging around! but i never ever remember them for the grocery store...

Sabrina said...

I love those bags!! I use them every time I shop. They really hold so much more!

Angela said...

We tend to forget them a lot, but when we remember we love them! We let our son take them into the store for us, he thinks he's big stuff.
Oh, and we have to make a stop at the bakery too for the all important cookie. And our cashiers give them a balloon. Needless to say, Publix is our kids favorite place to go!

Kelly Bell said...

Totally agree! I have had them for months now and love them! I bought 4 but feel like we don't even need all of them because they hold so much. It's so much easier to carry all your stuff inside the house too. One day I will actually remember to bring them with me every time I go!

J. Matt said...

Here is the problem. I hate to throw out plastic grocery bags, especially because I use them in my trashcans. And also because they are petroleum products. But the stupid grocery stores put like one item in a bag, then double bag it. It is totally idiotic. My bag bag is overflowing like crazy. I hate it!
Even worse is when I buy one thing, like a bottle of soda, and the dullard clerk starts to put it in a bag and I say, "No thanks, I don't need a bag." And the clerk raises his/her stupid head looks me in the eyes and replies, "are you sure?"

"No. I am now convinced. I was wavering before but now that you mention it, it might be dangerous to carry this single item in my hands. Give me a bag for this can of soda and pack of gum that I am just about to drink and chew."
What consideration!

At some of the stores here in NY, you get 10 cents off for each of your own bags you bring.

Anonymous said...

I bring my bags all the time, but when I'm low on plastic bags that I reuse, I'll not take mine one Sunday so I can stock back up on plastic bags. I hate when I've forgotten them and I tell the clerk to just put everything in one bag, and then he double bags it. Didn't I take responsibility for the weight of the bag when I asked for all in one bag?

Kristin Sheffield said...

I love those bags!! I have a few. I wish i didn't forget them so much when I grocery shop. But I use them for all kind of stuff!