The concept of a baby or kid being overtired was something my husband and I still don't get. But let me put those rumors to rest... Overtired is NOT a myth... it is real- oh so real!
So what does Overtired look like?
A screaming kid. A whiny kid. A kid who Can't fall asleep.
What? You may be asking, how does that work... they are too tired, so they can't fall asleep?
Yes. We found out about this concept pretty quickly when our oldest kid was newborn and it still holds true to today, over 2yrs and 9 mo. later.
I think it is similar to the adult version of getting a second wind. When you feel that slump and want to fall asleep so bad, but then miss that window of opportunity and when it's time to finally sleep you're wide awake, but grumpy (sometimes). haha.
So how can you fix this overtired problem?
Put them to naps or bed earlier. Right now we have our youngest going to bed at 7pm, and the oldest around 7:45. A lot of people think that is too early, but not for my kids! If they go to bed much later than that, somehow they take longer to fall asleep and/or they end up waking up earlier the next morning. It seems so backwards.
So what is my point? I am just trying to give some motherhood advice. Put those kids to bed! I have a new saying for my 2 yr old... when he whines, I tell him: "when you whine to me it tells me you are tired, so you need to go lay in bed until you are happy." For my little one... it surprises me still how much sleep they really do need.
Sometimes I think this concept is real for me too...
Mine goes to bed at 8pm, and it was a struggle to get him to go to bed that early -- he used to not go until almost 11! Now it's as early as 7:30-7:45 if he didn't sleep well on his naps, or 8:15-8:30 if he took a very late afternoon nap, but generally 8pm on the dot.
He does get overtired for his naps though. Like right now, and I think I'll put him in his crib right now ...
Overtired is the word of the week for Caroline! The poor thing has been dragged around everywhere and I think today has been the first day she has had decent naps. I agree...if she goes to bed earlier, she is a much happier baby. And why do they still get up at the same time no matter when they go to sleep?? It's a mystery!
so true. If I say "maybe the kids will sleep in" they wake up early, it never fails.
i totally agree. the more they sleep, the more they sleep. our bedtimes are very close to yours. peyton goes to bed around 6pm sometimes depending on her day. early bedtimes are nice for the parents too!
Amen to all of that. Ours go to bed at 7:30. I love what my friend says about her kids going to bed, which is totally my attitude: "I can't wait to put them to bed at night, and can't wait to get them up in the morning." Though it depends on what time they are up in the morning. After 7 is better. :)
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