Tuesday, March 17, 2009


I've had the Israel song "We Win" in my head all week.... probably because I heard a great mini-message last Saturday night from the great Pastor John Rohr that had to do with that.

There have been so many times that I just want to throw in the towel and quit. On many things..... too many for me to list here, but something just keeps me in the game. That something is the Hope I have in God.

I know a lot of my friends have been going through some tough things lately (myself included), and I just wanted to leave you with this thought. Don't give up. With Jesus- We Win! WE WILL WIN! He conquered death, with Him ALL things are possible. Whatever you are going through, just remember, it's WORTH the fight. We will see victory. We have been promised that.

There is a verse in there that says "He sent me...to put on a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair..." I heard this from the wonderful Lynette Lewis once "Praise is a garment I must CHOOSE to wear & it WILL begin to fit". So even when you feel like giving up, put on that garment of praise and it will begin to fit you, then we can see VICTORY.

Monday, March 09, 2009

A Green Favorite!

I've always loved Publix, and I know there are many of you out there that share my admiration for that great place, where shopping is a pleasure. Hey, even my 3 yr old asks to go there every time we pass by! (not to mention he gets a free cookie from the bakery)

I haven't bought into the whole going green thing to the extreme in all areas of my life, but I'm not all against it, I just use wisdom and try to conserve where I can. It seems like getting those reusable bags at shopping places is all the rage lately, and frankly I was annoyed by it at first... just seemed like another "thing" to buy, that they were plugging to get you to spend more $$, so I wasn't going to give in.

Until.... I got a free Publix reusable shopping bag. I think they converted me! I love it! It is WAY better, stronger, larger, and quality, than paper or plastic. I will now proudly bring my bag into the store, and to other places- it's super convenient and practical (and useful on car trips!). So I encourage you... get a reusable bag and go Green! And hey, it just might turn out good for the environment. :)

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Walkie Walkie

So Eli turns 15 months old in 3 days and is just the sweetest baby ever! He is actually cuddly, and I love that! He is so different from Aiden, which blows me away... yet they do have some similarities (maybe i'll do a chart of them in the next post).

Aiden was walking BY 10 months old... he is an eager beaver, dramatic, and very independent (and defintely leans towards my personality). Where as Eli so far has shown the opposite (and leans towards Ross' personality) laid back, chill and content. I can tell so bad that he just wants to keep up with Aiden (esp. at the park)... but the kid won't walk yet! He does cruise on furniture and can hold my hand to walk... but he just won't stand alone or take that first step (he's turned it into a game now to fall into us when trying, haha). All of his pants have holes in the knees now because they weren't made for crawlers at this size, lol!

So many people keep saying, you'll be wishing he was crawling still once he starts walking... but so far I cannot say I feel that way. I end up having to carry him everywhere, and he fights it cause he thinks he can just get down and walk, and the kid is getting heavy! lol.

I'm not complaining, just sharing my thoughts. :) I'm just so blessed by two healthy and happy boys... and i'm excited for the day they start running together!