Something we are working on in our household lately is a simple little concept known as Self-Control. I am so convicted lately because I realize that
"everything rises and falls on leadership" as John Maxwell says, and that doesn't just apply to the workplace, it completely relates to family life. How I go, is how the family tends to go.
If I want my kids to show self-control, I HAVE to show it first. This doesn't sound that a "light bulb" moment, but it is in my head. Every time I start to feel my blood pressure start to rise when the boys are getting wild, the first question that pops in my head now is "what am I doing?". It can spin out of control FAST if I don't take that second to pause and collect myself and assess.
Some tips I've heard that seem to help us with a 2 & 4 yr old are:
Get your kid to say the word. example: if they are being impatient and want something, make them stop and say the word "patient" and go over the definition. By the time they repeat it, it usually gets them to calm down enough that you can "talk". If it gets ugly from there, you know discipline must ensue. :) This works when trying to get them to learn any of the fruits of the Spirit.
The calmer you are, the quicker you see a change in their attitude. I am definitely working on. I get easily revved up, and I learned this lesson from watching the few episodes of the Duggar family with 18 kids, that mom is amazing how calm she stays in chaos.
Take a time out. As much as the kids may need it, I do too. :) If I don't take a few minutes to recollect myself, it's not pretty. This also goes for "time off". I don't like using that term, but it's the best way I can describe it. Taking a few hours, have someone stay with the kids (usually my hubby in my case) and decompress. My
goal is to try to do that once a week.
So I in no way have it all figured out, and would love ANY tips you may have for teaching self-control and patience. This is a work in progress. :)