Sunday, April 13, 2008

I'm Terrible.

The other day I was talking with some friends and told this story (maybe for the 1st time) and realized it was probably blog-worthy...although it will make me look like a terrible person.

When reading the following story, please keep in mind I was young, immature, and my parents let me! :)

When I was in elementary school I had a pet hamster...she lived a short life and died rather suddenly from a horrible disease that caused nasty blisters all over her tore me up.

So a few months later I got a guinea pig (looked very similar to the one pictured above). I named her Suzy Q. and I loved her...I played with her all the time and took good care of her. Well, she was starting to get old and I knew her time was coming. She even started randomly peeing on things so I knew it wouldn't be long...I didn't think I could handle losing another pet that I loved so dearly, so....

Our family happened to be having a garage sale the next week so I decided to sell her in the garage sale so I wouldn't have to see her die. I sold her for a good price, cage and everything included to an unsuspecting, innocent little boy about 4 years of age. I never told him she was close to her death bed, because I didn't want to risk not selling her. Oh do I feel bad!

I can still remember what the boy and his mother look like, it still weighs on my conscience. (I guess not too bad because I laughed when I told this story). Anywho, within the week my family happened to be eating out one day and the lady taking our order's name was Suzy Q. It made me feel so terrible.

I hope that boy doesn't hate me now...and you readers either!


Anonymous said...

Oh are as bad as the guys in Dumb & Dumber that sold their little dead bird to a blind kid. The difference between you and them is that they were writing a fictional story to be humorous, you do it in real life. Wow. But I am still madly in love with you:)

bella chung said...

lol.. ahahaha..

Anonymous said...

thats so true ross! hahahaha!!! amy, i love this story. i think i love even more that you sold the thing in a garage sale! thats hysterical. im so proud to call you my sister in law. maybe if thats you and ross, ill sell you both in a garage sale...but dont worry, i wont sell my godchildren. ;)

portorikan said...

That's funny.

You did what had to be done. :P

J. Matt said...

I had no idea that that was the reason that you sold Suzy. I always thought that was weird that you did.

Kristin Sheffield said...

HAHA...That is a funny story! You have the best stories Amy!!

Hope said...

oh my gosh, that's hilarious!!! oh oh oh, will you please tell the story about your first doctor's appt. with your ob when you were pregnant with aiden?

Angel said...

Im sorry but this was hilarious

Angel said...

By the way, Ross is right. "Pretty Bird"